Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 612: Split Teams

Chapter 612: Split Teams

The group at first didn't understand what he meant, but once Ning told them about the screen, it became pretty apparent what he meant.

"That means if we go there, we should be able to kill the monster and get more points," Ning said.

"Sounds plausible to me," Issi said.

"Let me go, leader," Drake said volunteering for it again.

Ning thought for a moment and shook his head. "Sun will come up any time now. Soon, You are going to be both too weak and too valuable to send in the midst of so many other people that will come to fight you," he said.

Ning turned to Issi, but he wasn't the strongest in the group at all. He was like a one-trick pony who could only send out water slashes. Aside from that, he didn't seem to be able to do much at all.

Finally, Ning turned to Derel.

"Can you handle it?" he asked her.

Derel's yellow eyes brightened as a smile appeared on her face. "I was worried you wouldn't ask me, little worm," she said.

Suddenly, bright red bat wings appeared out from her back. The wings were either on fire, or gave an illusion of such.

She flapped it a bit and embers fell from her wings like fireworks. She turned back to Ning and asked, "Do I kill only the monster?"

"You can do whatever you want," Ning said.

"Haha! Good, little worm. I will see you later then," Derel said and suddenly took to the sky, leaving trails of fire and ember.

"Is she going to be fine?" Issi asked with a concerned expression.

"If she is half as good as her ego is, I don't think we have anything to worry about," Drake said and went back to looking at the surrounding.

Ning chuckled and turned to Issi. "I will keep an eye on the screen. If anything happens to her, I will go there immediately," he said.

"Why didn't you go yourself?" Issi asked. "I don't know how strong she is, but I have seen how strong you are."

"Out of the 50 here, I don't doubt you are easily top 5 in terms of strength. Maybe even the strongest here," Issi said. "But then, why aren't you going there."

"There are a few reasons," Ning said. "First of all, I need to be here to protect the tower, especially if it needs immediate upgrades. As the leader, I can't take my attention away from here."

"Secondly, the sun is going to rise soon and Drake is going to be useless again. If I don't stay here and someone stronger comes along, I won't be able to protect him," Ning said.

"While I know you and Derel are strong, there could easily be someone stronger than you both, so I can't leave that job to you and can only trust myself," Ning said.

"I see," Issi said.


Ning stopped mid-speech and without explanation created a portal between Issi and him. Just as the confused Issi was about to ask what he was doing, a fire Javelin suddenly shot through the portal and landed on the ground next to them.

When Issi turned his head around to see where the attack had come from, he saw a portal right in front of Drake who was already on his feet, ready to fight.

"Go get him!" Ning shouted, and without hesitation, Drake ran off.

Two minutes later, a bloody fisted Drake walked back from the jungle with a serious expression in his eyes.

"That was hard," he said softly as he laid down by the side of the tower again.

"That was close, you mean," Ning said.

"Yeah, thanks for saving my ass back there," Drake said.

"That's what my job is," Ning said and looked at Drake's expression. For someone who had just fought another strong person, he didn't seem very tired.

Either the fight wasn't hard for him, which Ning didn't think was true, or the fight had instead of draining his energy, invigorated him.

Ning had seen him stick his fingers onto the pink-haired leader's neck and seemingly steal away her energy. That was probably what had happened here as well.

Ning decided not to ask any questions and got ready for the next monster.

As the daybreak arrived, their group only consisted of 2 people that could fight.

Drake was forced to take shade behind the tower and stay away from the heat.

Ning looked at the screen and frowned as none of the groups had any more than 2 members on them, except for a single group that didn't seem to let any of its members go away.

Ning started fearing that was the right choice, but he still wanted the points that Derel was steadily giving him.

Out of the nearly 20 different monsters that had been summoned until now, Derel had managed to kill it 15 of the times, giving anywhere between 10 and 14 points each time.

Part of the reason was that she was too strong for the others to beat her or successfully steal the monsters away from her. in fact, she had already killed about 3 different people that got too close to her.

The rest of the reason was that she wasn't as important as a leader itself, so most people didn't bother with her.

As Ning watched her performance through the screen, he saw something incredible and yet fearsome happen in group 7.

While the leader wasn't paying attention to their surrounding, a ranged sneak attack killed the leader at once.

Unfortunately, for the attackers, the leader's body fell right next to the only other teammate that had remained to guard the tower. He immediately grabbed onto the gem to become the new leader.

But, at the same time, a massive stone fist appeared from the ground and immediately punched the new leader out of the tower's protection where another sneak attack killed the new leader as well.

One of the attackers immediately grabbed the gem and ran away, leaving group 7 without anyone to protect it with its other teammates out to do things at the order of their leader.

After seeing all this, when the next monster spawned in less than 5 minutes, Ning knew that group 7 would also be eliminated.

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