Chapter 611: Extra Points
Chapter 611: Extra Points
Drake returned back to the group as soon as he could and let Ning know what he found out.
"You can see the screens now?" Ning asked as he started at the prismatic gem on Drake's crown.
"Yes, I think our points even got added up," Drake said.
"Yeah, I noticed that," Ning said as he opened the upgrades panel. "To think you can steal points from others just because their leaders die."
"We can't let this information get out," Ning said solemnly. "Although, they might start finding that as soon as they kill more of the leaders and steal away their gems."
"Come on! Get back in position, little worms. Don't forget that we are still the 2nd most vulnerable looking group of them all," Derel said.
"Yes," Ning said and got back to position.
The thorny tree monster spawned for one more turn before it switched to a goblin.
Ning was confused about how the goblin could possibly be more dangerous than a tree monster that could shoot thorns, and that was when the goblin started sending fireballs toward their group.
It even created a barrier to stop some of Issi and Derel's attacks. However, it was soon overwhelmed by the two of them and was swept away in their attacks.
"Such a strong ranged monster," Ning said. "If they keep upgrading, soon we will start having problems."
"Leader!" Drake shouted from nearby.
"What?" Ning turned to him to see if there was an attack or something.
"Check the screens," Drake said.
Ning opened up the screen and quickly looked through to see what was going on when he saw the goblin shoot at the 3 remaining members of the 5th group.
One of the men who could barely stand was putting up some sort of defense but from the looks of it, it wasn't going to last long.
Within 2 minutes, the man's defense was broken through and he, along with the other 2 members died to the fireballs.
When the final member died, their tower suddenly crumbled to the group regardless of how many health points it had remaining.
Then, a massive set of words appeared in the sky.
1/10 Groups have been ELIMINATED.
"They're dead," Ning said solemnly, not understanding how to feel about it all. What Genesis was doing was absolutely wrong, but he was too weak to do anything.
He wanted to keep watching to see if there would be some sort of attack on one of those remaining groups when he noticed something.
Despite losing, group 5 still had their screens active, and it followed the goblin as it walked somewhere.
Ning thought for a moment. If all the other groups were done fighting the beasts, then the last group to be done must have gotten the 4 points.
Then, the 5th group was supposed to have gotten 2 points had they survived. But the group was gone and the monster was still alive.
Did that mean…?
Without hesitation, Ning opened a portal to the sky above and entered through it.
When he appeared in the air, he looked around and immediately found the goblin making its way towards an open area in the center through the woods.
At the same time, he also saw a few other people with the same idea as him. So, in an attempt to hurry up, Ning created a portal right next to the goblin and walked through it.
When he arrived next to it, the goblin put up a barrier to protect itself, but a single attack from Ning destroy the barrier and the goblin inside of it.
2 points.
As expected, he indeed got the points that belonged to the other group. At the same time, two different people appeared in front of him.
One was a girl with green skin and a sword in her hand. Another one was a man with a third eye on his forehead.
They both had crowns, but neither of them had any gems on it. Only Ning had the gems, and if they managed to kill him here, they would certainly manage to cripple his group.
So, without much hesitation, both of them attacked him. The girl sent a slash of her sword that flew towards her like a blade of air ready to cut him.
The man's third eye shined bright which immediately caused Ning to feel some dizziness that he did not like.
The slash landed on his tough body and dissipated into the air like water splashing against the wall.
Simultaneously, Ning activated his spear domain, and the small spear-shaped Qi started attacking the two from all directions.
The man was forced to close his eyes lest his eyeball got cut. Using this moment of clarity, Ning instantly used his Aether to create a black hole inside both of the two attacker's bodies.
The one with the mental strength had a weaker physical body, so within seconds, his body started caving in on itself, and all that remained, in the end, was a bloody meatball that was once a man.
The girl on the other hand was stronger and required a lot more Aether on his part to kill her. But, Ning didn't want to spend such an amount while he was still fighting the different monsters.
So, he simply opened a portal and walked away, leaving a wounded, but still fully alive person.
The moment he reappeared back to his group, he realized that they all knew exactly what had happened as Drake could see it all on the screen of group 5.
Ning opened the screens and saw that the group 5 screen still lingered on the green-skinned girl who took a few seconds longer to leave.
Once she did, the screen changed to the destroyed location of Group 5.
'Why is the screen still there?' Ning couldn't help but wonder. It seemed unreasonable why there would still be a screen for the 5th group now that they were eliminated.
That was when Ning formed a little suspicious about something and turned to his group.
"I think the monsters will continue to spawn for Group 5."