The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 476 Let The Games Begin!

Chapter 476 Let The Games Begin!


The war was here.

They had all been hoping it was some sort of illusion, but as the warriors positioned themselves readying for a breach they could tell that this was going to be the greatest war that they would ever have to fight.

It was for their families, for their sanity, and more than anything, it was the battle that was meant to determine if all the other battles would be worth it or if this was just another part of the endless battles they would have to fight.

The civilians were not here, which meant that this was going to be the cruellest of all battles to have ever been fought, a battle where collateral damage wasn't even something they would have to consider. ,

Funny how Seb had saved his siblings while the Hawi Savasci knights had stepped up to save their people too. This would be the worst of them all and they knew it.

"I would say the evening is going great, but we know we are about to be breached. The only thing I can say is this is a fight without most of our magic. A fight to prove to everyone that magic didn't make us strong; it only enhanced the powers that we already had.

"This right here is the chance to show the realm why we are the most feared lot and why we have been on a winning streak. I'll be honest. Some of us might die, hell I might die, but death does not worry me.

"As long as the rest of the team fights and makes sure the plague is defeated and they are eliminated. So, we fight for the peace of the realm and more than anything, we fight so that our civilians don't have to live in fear anymore.

"We fight to make sure that the next generation, even if we are never going to be a part of them. Get to live peacefully. Any questions, warriors??" Elodie shouted at the largest army the realm had ever produced.

They looked motivated it was even scary to imagine what the fuck was going on in their heads. But at least they were certain that this was something they would do for the rest of their families. After all, the realm was their family, right?

"No questions, commander!!" the warriors shouted, making Sebastian and Alex who were still outside with their army waiting to breach, turn to look at the gates of the most powerful pack to ever reign.

This was never heard of even as the brothers stood there gates like he hadn't heard them right, but the stench of power was obvious. It was more than clear that Sicario was never going to go down without a fight.

It wasn't going to happen and they were already making it known regardless of the chaos in the realm.

"I bet they have been waiting for us, eh?" Alex said and Sebastian laughed like this was the best thing that he had experienced.

The thrill of slashing bodies was something he was already imagining, probably because he was certain that they didn't have their magic and that they would be at their weakest.

Oh, but if only they stopped unrest estimating the Sicario warriors, perhaps their lives would be a tad better by now, right?

"Doesn't matter. We will wipe them before their saviors come and find an emote pack,'' Sebastian said confidently as he turned to the rest of the writers who had come with them.

One look from Sebastian was enough to get the army going into Sicario.

The huge gates that had once had warriors watching over, were left unmanned. They were without any personnel which was weird as shit, especially for a pack that was always highly secured.

Sebastian could tell this was a trap, but he hoped that they wouldn't be any stronger than them. This was a fight that he had to win for his siblings and who wasn't about to lose.

"Yaa!!!" the Russel warrior bellowed as they breached the borders of Sicario.

The gates were the only way in because they had tried to climb over the fences, but there was so much magic on the fences that most of the warriors who had climbed over dyed without even getting to speak about it.

It took a few minutes for the rest of the crew to understand, so they focused on going in through the gates.

"Now!!" Alpha Elodie said as her warriors excitedly smirked at the warriors who were breaching. The arrow masters were already showing the arrows at the intruders while those who were manning the fireball rights were already doing their work.

It was all flames as they breached and got in, it was a struggle for the Russels, but eventually, it seemed like Sebastian finally figured out that this wasn't one they would be able to win without magic.

So, to let his warriors in, he used magic and blocked the fireballs and arrows, but even then some of the weapons launched at them hit them so badly. Some of the Russel warriors were already on the ground crying out in agency from the pain of being burnt.

If it had been another day, Sebastian would have felt back and let the warriors retreat. Hell, he would have offered to heal them, but this just wasn't the time. They had all known what they were getting into.

"For Peace!!" the Savasci warriors shouted as they charged at the oncoming crowd.

Compared to the army that the Russels had come with, the Savasci army was short by a few thousand men, but that didn't matter, because it was their skills that mattered to them.

It was the way they wanted to fight for their home that mattered the most, and so they aren't against the riddles and their warriors. There were swords clanging and clashing with bodies.

The Savasci warriors were cruel, and too brutal, and that way nothing less than what had been expected of them by their chief trainers. This was the ultimate army that Hawi and Rukiya had created and this was what she had expected.

The fight was intense, even as the sound of arrows whirring past them made them almost still. But after a time, they were able to get used to it. The night that had gone dark, was suddenly sharing in the light of the moon and the star.

This was a battle so intense and cruel that nothing would ever surpass this.

The warriors on horseback were mutilating the rest as those with spears did their thing. If there was ever scale of brutality to use for comparison, it was safe to say the Savasci warriors were fighting talk they had been commanded and backed by the devil himself to do so.

It was intense and terrifying even as body parts of the Russels warriors fell in the air like they had been to some butchering competition. This was a royal nightmare and yet the night had just begun.

"Come, brother, we have to find their leaders. If we defeat the Savasci knights, their warriors will have no motivation to fight," Sebastian said confidently.

Hudhayfah, who was covered just like the other Savasci warriors snickered as he cast a spell that threw Sebastian and Alex so high up in the air that by the time they fell to the ground, not even their magic could save them from the impact of the spears being hurled at them.

Anyone would think that the knights hadn't told their warriors of the kinds of demons they were dealing with. But then they had been told so well. They already knew the Russels brothers were immortal.

So, this was just them having fun with the brothers who were supposed to be invincible, and the brothers who couldn't die. But then again, not one wanted the other to die, anyway.

This right here was to show the Russell brothers that Sicario was not their playground and they needed to figure out a way to get that into their heads and disappear from the realm for the sake of the peace they had all worked so hard for.

"Theodore! Behind you! Duck!" Rio's voice came through the chaos as he saw one for the Russel soldiers aim for his mate. He had promised to protect Theo and right now he was going to do just that.

Theo ducked at his mate's voice before he was met face to face with a Russels warrior who had a machete, ready to cut off Theo's head.

However, before The cold defended himself a second time, Rio came at the warrior with his sword, and ran it through the Russell water. It all happened so fast that Theo almost forgot that he was on the battlefield.

The way Rio didn't even let him fight the one who had attacked him, made Theo feel a sense of security. Granted, they didn't know what the outcome of the battle would be, but here and now, they felt his heart flutter for the man he was mated to.

Perhaps it wasn't so bad an idea for the both of them to embrace the chaos around them too, right?

"Thank you," Theo said as he turned to keep on fighting, while Rio watched his with pride on his face. You would think this was the first time they were interacting. Well, it wasn't as far from reality, now, was it?

"You should have known better than coming after Sicario, Sebastian," Hudhayfah said with a smirk as he stepped on Alex's neck, something that got Seb staring in shock.

Who the fuck were these people they had come to battle with and how the hell did they manage to be that fast and unhinged?

"You all are crazy," Alex whined as he regained consciousness and the Hudhayfah off of him with his magic, but it didn't affect the man in any way.

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