Chapter 398 Obstacles With Familiar Faces
Chapter 398 Obstacles With Familiar Faces
"Do you think they noticed we were gone for so long?" Hawi asked Ruru who was still trying to catch a breath. The portal they had used wasn't the steadiest of them all and she was certain she was about to puke her guts out.
While she waited for her mate, Hawi looked around the room they had left earlier. It looked different and dusty as hell. Perhaps they had blown up things they don't know of. Or maybe someone had attacked the ship and they had defended themselves.
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But in that case there should have been leakages in the ship, yet Hawi couldn't see any of them. It was like all of this was in their head, but was that it?
"Were they attacked?" Hawi asked as she readied herself to smack the shit out of someone into oblivion. She was so done with bastards trying to ruin what she had and this time she would hold back.
Maybe she was losing her mind, but then all those months away from home were bound to test her patience, no matter how patient she had forced herself to be. Regardless of what happened along the way, they had to be on the same page.
"Attacked? What the fuck? I hope we run into them because I need to kick someone's ass after everything we went through out there. Stupid bastards won't let me take a breather even for a moment," Ruru grumbled as she straightened up and walked beside Hawi towards the door.
They weren't entirely sure where the fuck that was, but then given how when they were at the moment, maybe it was all in their head too, right? Perhaps they were experiencing hypothermia and shit, right?
"Stay behind me, Ruru," Hawi said and Ruru smiled at her.
"We protect each other sweetheart. Come let's kick some asses and reunite with our team. I don't know who gave you the idea of shops though," Ruru said with a frown and Hawi just smirked at her.
"I'm going to count to three. You had better show yourself up then. I am having a very shitty day and your necks might be the only things to quench my thirst for blood at the moment," Hawi said, and Malika, who wasn't sure she had heard the woman well, stepped back.
She was in shock because given the current state, Hawi should have been able to see them, even through the fog, and that raised the question of where the fuck the duo had been. It didn't look too good and frankly, they needed to be worried if that was the case.
"Mistress?" Malika said as she walked through the fog towards the woman she should have been protecting.
"Holy fuck Malika, what the fuck are you doing and what the heck happened here? Did you find those who attacked? Are they the bastards the Russels recruited over the years? What the hell happened here, and where is Mbali?
"Did Amina come for her? I swear to the gods if that woman hurts my warrior, she will hang her by the tits," Hawi said frustratedly as she looked around.
She should have relaxed when she saw Malika but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to what she was seeing.
"What?" Malika asked as she shared with her Mistress in confusion. There were so many things that could have happened in the little time they were together but this hadn't been part of any of the considerations. It was almost like the universe was playing long games with them, but was it really?
"Where is Jabali?" Hawi asked.
"She is here," Malika stated as if that was meant to tell the white wolf that they were all accounted for.
"Art you sure this is her? No offense but your sister has been acting a little too strange since that Russel bitch left this place. Are you sure she is your sister? Have you tried your sibling bond and confirmed it is her?
"Or are we talking yo–" Ruru said frustratedly and Hawi cut her midst. She was aware that her mate wasn't in the best state and she could be blamed, really because after what they had witnessed out there, there was no telling whatever the fuck had happened.
The universe was a dark place and they were slowly learning that in ways that they hadn't expected.
"No, baby… go easy on her," Hawi said before turning to Malika, "where is Jabali?"
"Right here," Mbali said and Ruru instinctively stepped in front of Hawi, a move that got Drew stepping back and Malika stared at the Greyson alpha like there was a lot of shit that needed explanation right now.
Surely there was just no way that they were thinking her sister was a threat to Hawi, right?
"Stay back or I swear to the goddess I will blow you and this damn ship out of the waters," Ruru said as she pointed her blade at Mbali, not to mention her spare hand already had a fireball in warning.
Malika was surprised at the reaction.
Granted she had seen Hawi be mad at Mbali earlier, but she knew that Hawi wasn't the kind to leave her crew like that. They had come to these journeys together and they treated each other, so if this was happening right now, there had to be a mistake somewhere.
It didn't matter what the fuck was happening around them, because this state was never supposed to happen between the Savasci knights. And the fact that Ruru had stepped in front of Hawi, was meant to show that she was protecting her mate. But from what?
"Mistress, what is happening?" Malika asked, anxiously as she tried to reach out to her sister using the sibling bond, but it was faint, something that only ever happened when they were distances apart.
It was impossible at the moment, because she would have sworn she had been with Mbali the entire time. There was no way that her sister was an impostor. Surely that was a far stretch even for them, right?
"What was our first battle together, Jabali?" Hawi asked and Mbali stared at her like she had gone bonkers. Surely that wasn't the kind of question someone she trusted would ask, right?
"What?" Mbali asked, the confusion clear on her face.
Maybe she was losing her mind in the process or maybe she was just not sure what the hell was going on.
So, she turned to her sister, the one person who should have been there to protect her, someone who would defend her first and then deal with whatever Hawi was asking, however this time, Malika was staring at her sister with a blank face.
It was almost like Malika was slowly buying into the narrative that Hawi had come with. She knew Hawi so Ellen and she was sure hair wouldn't ask stupid shit if it didn't mean anything.
"Answer the question, Lili," Malika said, her voice stern as she looked at the woman who was supposed to be her sister. The truth was coming in a heartbreaking wave and Malika felt her blood boil.
She wanted to ask so many questions but then her mistress was in charge and she had to be patient and wait it out. Whatever happened right now was messing with her mind and boy was she ready to throw some souls overboard.
"Seriously, Malika? I thought you of all the people would be on my side," Mbali said and Malika's heart broke even more. She had never imagined that she would ever miss her sister calling her Freya.
It was something that they had gotten used to each time Malika called her sister Lihle, Mbali would always respond with Freya. It was in their subconsciousness and a reminder of how close they had gotten and how far they had come.
It wasn't easy for her too, but damn this was breaking in her fragile heart. If this woman here was an impostor, where the fuck was her sister?
"You have two seconds before I blow you into oblivion, sweet cheeks," Ruru said sarcastically as she called at Mbali.
She hated how this had gotten and he had been hoping for it to be different but then what else was it when they had managed to get to this point? Their little mission had left them with so many empty spaces and the fact that this shit was slowly adding up was breaking Ruru's heart.
They had suffered through the months only for their hard work and efforts to be reduced to them pointing blades and readying themselves to blast familiar faces. This wasn't fair but since when had anything been fair when it came to the realm?
All of this was always going to be the greatest gambler of all time and there wasn't shit they could do to make it all stop. Perhaps the world would become better with this, right?
"Overreaching much? Fine. You want to know the first battle? We were in the human lands and you didn't want to bring the war there because you were worried about the human, pesky little things.
"Your humanity cost us so much fun that day," Mbali said and Malika felt her heart sink deeper into her stomach.
Her sister had never taken the battle to the human lands. The mad Sicario girl had never fought anyone in the human lands no matter how tempting it had been for her. The fact that Mbali was blatantly lying like this reminded Malika that this wasn't her sister.
"Does she speak the truth, my love?" Ruru asked as Malika stared sadly at the woman paradigm as her sister.
"No–" Hawi began and Ruru didn't wait before she blasted Mbali with her magic, before the woman instantly reduced to ashes, without so much as a fight.
"Where's my sister, Mistress?" Malika asked sadly.