Chapter 104: Mission Objective
Chapter 104: Mission Objective
In his personal quarters, Caleb was watching the ships surveillance network. He was supposed to use it to stop his rowdy mercs from hitting on the hired cleaners Kathrine brought with her, But his attention was currently stuck watching A purple haired man in the training room wielding a sword like a man possessed.
Possessed by the sprit of war that is. Caleb had many years of advanced fencing and swordsman ship under his belt. However this young'un could rival him, possibly even beat him. "Nah, I'm too great to be beaten by someone younger than me." Caleb gloated to himself.
With his feet up on the table, Caleb continued to not creepily watch the man train with his sword until someone entered his quarters unannounced. "Hey! Hey! Do you not knock? I could be jerking it over here for all you know. What?
Do you not respect your capta- Oh Kathrine its you, what's up buttercup?"
"Call me 'buttercup' again and that appendage you call a prick will be removed and that excuse will be void." Kathrine warned. "Ouch, pretty lady has got fangs ok. So what can I do you for?"
Talking to Caleb tired her out so she got straight to the point. "Apollo insists on having a private quarter for himself. Its only been a day and a half so he's had no qualms bunking with me, but He keeps saying he needs some privacy for something."
"What that young'un tired of drilling you already? Either you're a bore or he's a lightweight." Kathrine drew the pistol attached to her thigh. "Enough with the casual remarks Caleb. I am your superior." Still with his feet up, Caleb placed his hand up in front of him. "All right, All right. Jeez.
Take a joke lady. Sure the room next to mine is free, have some of your workers clean the place up. Its been locked a while so it should not be too dirty."
Kathrine was agreeable to Caleb's decision. "By the way" Caleb said as Kathrine was turning to leave. "Where did you find this guy, I mean really." He gestured to his screens on his desk and Kathrine rounded the desk to look. "Is he special forces or something? I mean I could still take him, but it would be tough."
Kathrine snorted at the remark. "Yea sure you could. It is none of your business where I find my hired help. All you need to worry about is the upcoming mission. Is everything prepared in that front?"
Caleb turned from carefree to authoritative in a fraction of a second. "Yes I have been relayed to that the coalition has also been snooping near the planet. I don't think they will attack the non aligned planet, its not in their nature. If they find out about the artifact though, they may not care and will throw a lot at us to prevent it.
You were right in suggesting only mercenaries should go planet side, lowers suspicion."
It still amazed her how this idiot can switch instantly like that. "Yes very good, keep me informed on any new information. Oh and stop being a pervert and spying on Apollo. Despite his strength, he is a good man who does not boast about it." "Huh, you're smitten my lady, your poor husband cuckolded by a man almost three times younger than him."
"Shut up you twat." Kathrine's face grew red. "And the piece of shit I call a husband can fuck his Sepiidan glory hole till he drops dead for all I care. He gave me my twins and I could give two shits about him now." She said as she stormed out of the room, causing Caleb to chuckle. "Man, she turns into a right ol' sailor when It comes to that kid. Heh, I remember when I had that effect in my youth.
The bitches just could not get enough."
Having finished duelling the imaginary Orchid, I wiped the sweat off my body with a towel. 'Feels weird not having her lick it all off me.' the thought of the strange thing she does brought a melancholic smile to my face. "Enmeshed. Heh, we are practically the same being at this point. I miss my loves." I said sadly.
Its only been over a day, the separation from Jewel was manageable as I had Orchid and Onyx. But now I am currently on my own until I get a room where Onyx can come out to play.
Through our bondage link, I could feel Onyx sending me love and support which I appreciated deeply. Bringing myself back to the moment, I stroked Zircons fuller and whispered. "Do you want a rub down?" Zircon tried with all her might not to start floating around in excitement as I moved to the side of the room and began to do my thing.
Having found out where Apollo was, thanks to Caleb's perverseness, she instructed her staff to clean up the room Apollo will be staying in and went to find him in the training room. On the way there, Kathrine was getting some jealous looks from some of the female, and a couple male, mercenaries. She had an inkling as to what they were jealous about and held her head high because of it.
Having reached the training hall, Kathrine entered and was shocked by what she saw. Apollo with her back to her moving his arm back and forth in practised motion. 'Is he? Here?' Kathrine felt emboldened and commented. "You know handsome, If you are that pent up, you can always use my mouth again. You don't have to pleasure yourself."
Turning around on the chair I was sat on a smile was spread cheekily across my face as Kathrine realised what I was actually doing. Her face grew bright red in a moment, almost matching her hair in embarrassment. "Oh whoopsie, I must be pent up more than I thought having thought you were doing that in here. I will leave you too it." Kathrine was about to leave before I interrupted her.
"Wait, Wait, Wait pretty lady. Come here, we need to talk." Kathrine obeyed and brought a chair from the side of the room and sat in front of me. "Look, I've noticed your gazes and subtle advances and I am appreciative, I just don't fuck at every given opportunity. I am in control enough to know that If I only have sex maybe once or twice a week, It wont go stale.
Maybe on occasion I take it further, but not often. If you are in agreement with that rule you can get down on your knees and suck me dry right now and I may just reward you later. How does that sound?"
Kathrine just went through a rollercoaster of emotions. She thought he was turning her down at first, but midway it turned 180. The man is Psionically gifted, he was going to live a long time. Rewards of the flesh could get stale and to prepare for it at such a young age was a turn on to her.
She was already on her knees between his legs before she knew it and was about to pull down his pants when she was rudely interrupted by an intercom.
"As much as I am enjoying the porn scene about to appear before my eyes Kathrine, we have just been pulled out of the warp lane by the military for an inspection. All hands are to report to the loading bay. Oh and nice work champ, could not have done it better myself."
Kathrine resisted the urge to shoot where the intercom was and took a heavy breath as she looked up me with longing eyes. "Don't worry" I said as I caressed her face. She leaned into it before I moved and pulled on her hair hard. as I leaned in to whisper. "I think I will still give you that reward later."
I got up and put on my shirt, Kathrine was still on the floor staring at the chair I was on. "Kathrine, you alright?" "Hmm? Oh yes peachy, just soaked myself a little at your aggressiveness. Can you help me up?" 'Heh, as open as Orchid.' I thought momentarily "Sure thing hot stuff here."
After heading back to her room for a quick change, Kathrine and I headed to the loading bay. "I must be a bad luck charm. Both times I've been in warp flight, I have been on the 37th ship twice."
"Oh, your not a bad luck charm, this ship is considered military class, this inspection will be totally unrelated to that law, most likely a Weapons inspection." "Really? Be right back." I sprinted away back to Kathrine's room and had my armour meld over my arm. 'I don't care if its got a permit, I am not taking any chances.'
I did not have the armour cover my hand so I still looked normal when I arrived back. Just in time for the loading doors to open.
I furrowed my brows in recollection for a moment.
"This place looks familiar."