Chapter 345 The King Will Come (2)
Chapter 345 The King Will Come (2)
The babies that cling to Giant Centipede Mom's body.
The boss snake treated them like his own children.
The rattlesnake shed tears.
The rattle on her tail trembled pitifully.
'I don't mind that.'
But the rattlesnake spoke firmly.
'If I can just be by his side...'
She earnestly asked to meet the white snake.
Madam Rila couldn't ignore her feelings.
In the end, she had no choice but to nod and say okay.
"Kuruk, kuruk!"
Does he understand my words or not.
Since Raota just keeps saying kuruk, I can't tell.
But I think I can definitely understand what that means.
It can probably be translated as 'I won't let you off easy if you try anything funny!'
Okay okay I get it.
I won't use Crown of Connection so don't worry.
Nevertheless, brother watched me with wary eyes.
He allowed me to approach after I said I would see if I could remove the mechanical device.
Seeing that, it seems he understands my words to some degree.
Yet when I talk about Chugota he pretends not to hear. Such an unfilial child.
I climbed onto Raota's back and examined the mechanical device closely.
Seeing it automatically emit mana waves, there must be a mana stone as a power source inside.
Hmm, according to this knowledgeable snake's judgment, this is...
"That's an altimeter."
'I see.'
Actually, I'm not that knowledgeable.
Though I have knowledge as a modern person, I don't have mechanical engineering knowledge.
Moreover, I'm completely ignorant about magical engineering that uses mana.
However, there was a real expert beside me, that being Pelerian.
'Why is there an altimeter? Chugota isn't an airplane.'
"They might have attached it because they said they would make a wyvern knight unit. The case is very firmly attached."
The mechanical device was covered in armor overall.
It's too complex to be 'equipment' made for wyvern knight use.
Pelerian directed me to look here and there.
"This is a lightning pattern. It's linked to the altimeter."
Finally, he seemed to figure something out.
"Yes, this isn't equipment made for knights to ride. Indeed it is a restraint."
The purpose he discovered was.
"It's a restraint made to electrocute if it flies above a certain altitude."
"And it probably electrocutes if you leave the zoo too."
Now I noticed something.
Originally Raota's body was white so it wasn't easy to see.
But around the mechanical device on the wing membrane, there were particularly white marks.
The scars that remained like lightning had spread were electrocution scars.
I knew because I had been electrocuted many times and electrocuted others many times.
'We can't just break it, right?'
"They would have made it so you can't."
They would have made it so electricity discharges if you try to forcibly remove or break it.
I got an idea.
Couldn't I use this restraint as an excuse to bond more with Raota?
Maybe I could even tame him.
'Old mann.'
"I don't know well either."
'Can't you remove it?'
"It's not that we absolutely can't, I think I can see how we might be able to pick it..."
The Grand Mage's eyes must see something.
I quickly called Raota.
'I'll see if I can pick this, then let's sit down and have a proper talk.'
He definitely just nodded.
Let's try it!
With that determination, I examined the restraint with Pelerian's help.
It took exactly 30 seconds until we got electrocuted.
Sparks crackled through our scales.
Our eyes rolled back from the electrocution.
I recovered quickly since I had high electric resistance at least.
Thanks to that I could avoid the wyvern's fury.
Beams were fired continuously.
But I succeeded in avoiding the beams by performing acrobatics in the air.
I got electrocuted too though!
Pelerian, the only one unharmed, just cleared his throat and disappeared into the ring.
I had to bear the white wyvern's anger all alone.
Raota tried to fly up flapping his wings, but collapsed with a thud, perhaps still affected by the electrocution.
And he made a cry different from usual.
The meaning doesn't matter.
I won't get caught by a wyvern that can't even fly...!
But soon I realized the meaning of that cry.
Because some of the white monsters scattered around resting ran towards me.
They're surrounding me from all directions.
Was the meaning of 'kurororo' 'catch that bastard!'?
Among them, a pouched rat that could speak stepped forward.
"Insolent... snake. Small and weak yet..." Stay connected through empire
Is this guy talking to me like that?
"Dare to Lord Raota..."
Is that how a pouched rat should talk to a serpent, a predator?
When I focused my eyes in surprise, it was just a 'White Claw Pouched Rat lv31'.
The white monsters around were the same. They were nothing special.
I realized.
That they're looking down on me.
No, even so there should be the pressure of a higher monster.
Did I lose even that intimidation when I became smaller?
It's a bit sad.
I should punish these guys to relieve this sadness. I thought that, but.
The pouched rat said something unexpected.
"Take off the crown, insolent snake!"
What? This crown?
The thing on my head is indeed a crown, but it's not something I can put on and take off, it grew out.
I glared at them while banging my crown against the ground stones.
Then the pouched rat and white monsters were taken aback.
"W-wearing a crown when you're not even a king. Insolent snake."
'I'm not a king but a prince.'
"...Insolent snake."
Seems like it can only say 'insolent snake'.
I'll teach it a lesson.
"You are not the king. The king, exists separately."
'You mean Raota?'
"Lord Raota too, is not, the king."
Then who is it?
The old lion?
I don't care!
"It is determined, by prophecy."
That's a bit interesting.
I decided to listen first.
Why do the zoo's white monsters have something like a prophecy passed down?
"Someday the king will come."
'What kind of monster is the king?'
"The king of white ones, has a long body and."
"Saak!"(That's me!)
The pouched rat continued explaining.
"Dozens, hundreds of legs, two antennae, and steel-like serrated teeth."
Not me then.
But something came to mind.
'That's... a centipede!'