Chapter 1515: The 10 Powers
Chapter 1515: The 10 Powers
Chapter 1515: The 10 Powers
There were 10 powers in total, one of which was what a person who could use Spark could use. The first of the powers was the ability to teleport objects around. These people were called Teleporters and were valuable in transporting heavy objects between two locations.
Given enough Spark, they could teleport objects between two moons.
The second of the powers was the ability to create fire. These people were called Burners and the more Spark they consumed, the more fire they produced.
Similar to Fire, there was also the ability to create Water and Air.
The people who could create air were called Breathers, and the people who could create water were called Soakers.
The fifth kind of power was the power to manipulate rock. These people were called Carvers and had the power to move around existing rocks and stones.
They were called Carvers because these were the people who had used their powers to carve the giant cities and continued to carve out more room and houses along the sides of the walls.
The sixth kind of power was the power to quickly perform complicated calculations using their mind in a matter of milliseconds.
These people were called Thinkers because of their powers. However, unlike the other powers, these people also could do something else that some people argued was a different power and could not be counted as the same.
Given a large amount of Spark, they could sometimes instantly come up with an answer that they otherwise would have no way of knowing.
The seventh kind of power was the power to accelerate the growth of anything living, be it plant or animal. These people were the ones in charge of growing food in these barren soils within hours, ready for harvest. They also grew poultry and cattle within days, ready for harvest as well.
They were also the people who were the healers of this place, who could accelerate the growth of any part of a person's body, healing most wounds within seconds.
They could not, however, heal diseases and lost limbs.
These people were called Cultivators for they could quickly cultivate just about anything. The eighth power was the power of Telepathy. These people were called Connectors because they could connect to anyone's mind and transfer messages among the linked people.
They weren't able to read someone else's mind without their permission, but they were able to tell if someone was telling the truth or not simply by how their mind was while they answered questions.
The 9th power was the power to convert matter from one thing to another. These people were called Converters, and most of these powers were used to turn wastes produced from the city into something useful.
As for what exactly something could be turned into depended on the knowledge of the object a person was familiar with.
Most people used this power to create more crystal spheres, metals, or power sources that were used to power the city and everything within it.
The final power was the power to increase the strength of gravity between two objects of their choice. The increase in gravity was proportional to the gravity that was already affecting the two bodies.
These people were called Attractors, as they attracted two things to one other with greater force than normal.
After reading through the 10 different powers, Ning immediately crossed out Thinker powers from his list. His mind hadn't improved by any bit when he tasted the Spark, leading him to understand that he was not a Thinker.
He was also not a Burner, Soaker, Carver, or Breather. He had tried using elemental magic and had failed. Similarly, he was also sure he was not a Teleporter, but it needed testing.
Since apparently Teleporting could only be done to objects, his failure to use it on himself made it not count.
In the end, Ning was all but certain he was one of the last 4.
A Cultivator, An Attractor, a Connector, or a Converter.
Ning decided to check it when he returned, but for now, he had something to read.
He had only read about the moons for a few minutes when he heard a small chime in the air. He turned around and saw that the librarian had put up a small board in front of her.
The library will close for the night in 15 minutes.
Ning read that and frowned again. 'How the hell do these people know when the night is?' he wondered. Should he try and find a book about this too?
Ning realized he didn't have the time and simply focused on the book in front of him. He read the various names that were in front of him.
Thinus, Eo, Starn, Worr, Gion, and Yooma were some of the few satellites that Ning got to read about before it was time to leave.
He placed the books back on their correct shelf and left the library. The new knowledge he had learned played around in his mind, constantly making him think about it.
He walked through the thick streets of the city to make his way to his room, surprised at how many people there were at the moment. It hadn't been the case when he had come here a few hours earlier.
It was almost as though everyone was going back to their place at the same time.
Just as Ning arrived at a staircase on the side of the wall, the skies seemed to darken all of a sudden.
Ning was confused as to what had happened and looked up. When he did, he saw only a dark ceiling and nothing else. The light spheres attached to the ceiling had all gone dark.
'Ah!' Ning thought. 'Artificial night. So that's how they keep their cycle and know when it is night and day.'
Since the lights had gone, night had come to the city. It was probably the time for the city to stop working until the lights came back on.
Ning shrugged and returned back to his room, ready to learn just what power he received from the Spark.