Chapter 938
Chapter 938
Chapter 938
I heard about the recruitment method from Sebastian
“First, it is necessary to decide on the range.”
“Yes. Obviously, recruiting from a larger area will mean more applicants. However, if we did across the entirety of the duke’s lands…well, that is far too wide. It would result in many difficulties.”
This time, he limited it to the area surrounding Ractos.
“After that, we must send messages to all the villages and towns within that range. Obviously, it cannot be sent to every individual. And so it is sent to a representative of that place.”
“Like the chief?”
“Indeed. Whoever is in charge of organizing things and leading the people.”
“In Bleiyu, the chief gathered everything together and told us about it. Well, the young adults.”
“We leave it up to the representative. They can decide who to relay the information to. Of course, when hiring for a noble, they generally tell everyone who is able to work. But in villages with smaller populations…they might hide the information from people who have important jobs… People they do not want to lose.”“I can see why. It would hurt the whole village if they left…”
“Yes. It’s not like drafting soldiers into the army. So they can do what they want with the information. But they generally like to tell those who are unemployed or people who can leave without causing any trouble. And then the representative gathers the information on them and sends it back to us.”
“I see… And once you receive it, I suppose you look into them?”
“If they are being hired to work in the duke’s house, we have to make sure that they are trust-worthy. And so we may do a background check. However, we do not meet them directly, but question those around them first.”
I suppose that was all very important for nobles.
If they just hired anybody, it could ruin the order of the house, and lead to all kinds of troubles…
The people trusted the duke, so he had to be extra careful about such things.
Sebastian continued to talk happily on the subject, and eventually told me about the times when they hired from orphanages.
He had told me previously that they were loyal to the duke, as he was the one running the orphanage. But apparently, this also had to do with their education.
Regardless of their background, once they are in the orphanage, they are protected and watched closely. And so in general, they did not become involved in crime afterwards.
So for Sebastian, there was no need to do any background checks on them.
“Uhh, so… Mr. Peter, I suppose you talked with the chief?”
“I was there, when it was told to the others. The chief told us the details at that time… But as I said before, I am very old. And so I could not do anything too bold… That’s how I felt at the time. Besides, the elderly here still have their own roles. So I thought this was just something for the young people… Even if the idea of working for the duke did appeal to me.”
“I see…I see…”
In other words, he thought it had nothing to do with him. It was not that he wasn’t interested. It just didn’t seem like a realistic possibility at first.
So he had not applied and come to Ractos.
But his interest had not died, and after seeing Claire, and realizing he really could leave Bleiyu without inconveniencing others, he finally decided to ask the chief and Sebastian about the matter…