Chapter 446 A desperate battle.
Chapter 446 A desperate battle.
The sound of cannons firing, trebuchets flinging magically empowered boulders, and the clash of magic echoed in the once peaceful plains. People screaming and shouting for justice, victory and death to the enemy.
For the past two nights and days, the empire's forces attacked with small units, whittling down the resistance and forces of the Alliance of Silvara and Arachneas.
At the front of the empire's well-trained shield-bearing warriors, a male with a dull brown beard and gleaming grey eyes that felt as if they could pierce the soul gazed at the devastated wall, chunks of stone missing, gaps where the barrages over two days damaged its former structure.
"Raise the Anti-Magic Shell, and activate the Anti-Monster Barrier!" A member of the empire's command called out, his voice firm and filled with cold aggression but also with a firm confidence of victory as the powerful defensive measures were put into action.
"Magic Shield Active!" A low response, the whirring of the magical generator, before its pale red glow began to expand, various magic circles and runes forming on the surface. The new magic shield was a different scene from the fearsome blue barrier from the day before.
"Anti-Monster Barrier Active!" A secondary barrier, a pale green colour with triangular patterns written in various old languages, elven, dwarvish, orcish and various non-human languages, with the world's translating to 'Debilitation, weakening, death.' This powerful barrier instilled a sense of security in the hearts of the empire's defenders.
Because they knew it would target only the impure, those who were not of pure human descent.
"Prepare for the final volley, cannons full charge we will launch the assault for the emperor and prince!" The commander's voice was hoarse yet filled with determination. They believed they were the ones on the side of justice.
'These monsters, they have done well, but only humans should rule this continent!'
"Prepare the assault!"
"Assault unit One, ready for battle!"
"Assault unit Two, ready for battle!"
The empire's huge forces of over twenty-seven thousand men were ready to strike the small force of three thousand now that they exhausted their magic cells and cannon balls. It was time to attack with their archers and ground troops.
In their eyes, the enemy looked worthless, unable to man the walls with more than five hundred troops at a time.
'These savages will pay for attacking the empire!'
Asura's figure appeared on the wall the moment the barriers appeared, his crimson eyes flashing with a blue light as he used his magic to analyse them. He prayed for a barrier that would not cause him and his people the agony of before.
"All troops, prepare for battle. The barriers are nothing special." His voice carried across the wall as the reserve troops bolstered the defences. Makeshift siege weapons were wheels on their wooden frames, bolt throwers and flame spitters now sitting on the walls aimed at the empire.
'It seems that the red barrier will lower all magic damage and effects below Stage Five to a level lower—anything below Stage Three will be nullified. That green barrier isn't like the blue one. Instead, it will reduce all abilities of non-humans by a single stage.'
"It seems the gods look down on us with an ironic smile today." Grom'Gaius looked at Asura, who didn't pull back; instead, he stood atop the rampart edge, gazing down at the enemy as their archers and shield-bearers stepped forth, a loud crunch and clash of steel echoing from unified movement.
'Almost a beautiful thing to see, the level of their synchronisation and skill. I am almost jealous.' Asura thought to himself while spreading both arms as if offering the empire an embrace.
However, the embrace was not one of affection or surrender. But death!
"Shizuka, Gaius, Lucia, the green barrier reduces our abilities—all non-humans presume you are a stage weaker than usual and fight in groups of three."
"I see. Is that why I feel heavy?"
"Hahah! Let's crush them, brother!"
This battle was no longer one they needed to endure, to hide like mice. Because the Silvaran army was less than three hours from arriving, Asura didn't wish to let the empire realise this, and thus, he would strike them hard and fast.
'A message was already sent to Lorem. Their forces should strike from the rear, delaying them at least two hours.'
"Men, we need to survive five hours. How about it? Can you give me five more hours of your life?" Asura called out, his eyes flickering with black lightning as a dozen magic circles began forming from his hands, the size larger than a small door.
His body felt tense, the magic barriers causing him to feel sluggish and weak. Yet they were nothing compared to that blue barrier. Asura could endure it! His teeth bit down as he began to channel the lightning magic Xavida gave to him.
Asura began to mix his elements and create spells from his own experiences. This spell was created from his love of Xavida's beautiful white dragon's breath a mixture of her fire and lightning magic. He used his white flame and the black lightning he attained from their union to create this spell he gave the name 'Heavenly Judgement.'
'Xavida, my heart, body, and soul are yours. As long as I have the power, I will never allow anyone else to make you cry!'
The moment he thought about the beautiful dragoness in his mind, his stiff face changed, and his lips lifted into a soft smile before he snapped his fingers, unleashing a storm of lightning on the enemy forces.
An explosion that shook the entire plains. The power of his attack was enough to level the first fifty metres of the enemy's forward position.
Asura wasn't done, and as he released the spell, his eyes flashed blue, and he raised his right hand, his left hand snapping his fingers once more.
'Time to take some lives.'
A bolt of white lightning descended from the skies, shooting past the enemy's defences, and landed on the heads of the enemy, killing over fifty instantly!
'I have over twenty thousand lives to take today.' Asura thought with a grim smile, his body beginning to glow with a black hue, a white ring of electricity spinning around him.
"Witness my strength." His voice was soft, yet it carried a roar as he held his right fist in front of his chest and his left palm behind his back, his legs wide apart as his eyes turned crimson.
"Let the storm begin!"
The black aura around his body began to form black lightning, which struck the heavens, and the clouds began to turn black—thunder and lightning descended upon the battlefield as a wall of flames appeared from the earth, a white flame that melted anything it touched.
"Kill them all!" Asura's voice was the last thing the enemy heard as the assault of the allied forces began, with bolts shooting from the bolt throwers, tearing apart the armoured shield bearers like tofu.
"No! It burns! It burrrrnnsss!"
Screams and howls of pain echoed.
"Gather yourselves! They are but infidels and heathens!" A commander's voice could be heard among the sounds of death and agony, the scent of blood and charred flesh.
"Protect the lord general!"
"Protect the captain!"
"Lord General, please retreat to a safer position!"
The calls of the commanders were lost as the world descended into chaos and darkness, a haunting black cloud hovering above the battlefield as hundreds of orcs and valkyrie attacked the Empire's forces. Despite the barriers, Asura's magic seemed to ignore the resistance and dampening, instead targeting only the archers and magicians of the empire.
"The arrows! Shoot that bastard down!" The Lord Commander pointed his blade at Asura, with many of the panicked troops calming down and preparing to retaliate.
"Fire! Kill them!"
"Die, monster scum!"
The empire's commander didn't know why, but the sudden use of powerful magic, the combined powers of the Valkyrie and the Orcs, was striking his forces even through their powerful defensive measures.
"Lucia, Ignis, attack them with your units, then pull back and switch with Rasha, Danos and Manfried."
"Yes, my beloved prince, leave it to us." Lucia's voice was filled with glee, and her black eyes flashed with a dark light as she and her unit of shadow troops vanished before they attacked the enemy ranged flank, their spears and claws taking the lives of over a hundred.
"Ugh.... "
Several orcs were cut down by a well-timed volley, the rage of Gaius growing seeing his brothers falling. Asura himself watched in silence, controlling his magic as it ripped apart the enemy army with slow but powerful bolts of lightning.
'We will lose the advantage soon. The troops need to pull back!' Asura's mind constantly analysed the situation. Although he wanted to jump into the centre with his spear or sword, he knew he had a duty and responsibility.
'Fighting is fun and exhilarating, but I am not an idiot. The key to any war is strategy, and if I don't control myself, I will fall.'
"Gaius, Ignis pull back!"
An explosion to the left caused Asura's eyes to widen. The enemy's mages finally cast a devastating fire spell, sending over thirty of his knights flying; the rest burned to a cinder. Asura felt the true advantage of numbers. The enemy only sent a portion of their forces, and now, with a few key counterattacks, the Allied forces could barely keep fighting on par.
'It cannot be helped...'
His hands pushed forward, his eyes closing while thinking of Vela's beautiful magic, the magma she formed using her high level of fire and earth magics... He envisioned a wall, both solid and filled with searing flame, along the ground where his troops began to retreat. Hundreds of magic circles filled the ground before an eruption of flame burst forth.
'Earth magic has its uses.'
Asura opened his eyes, his hands clenched together as gigantic walls of molten rock began to grow towards the sky, covering half the battlefield, buying time for Gaius and the Valkyrie to retreat. "Gaius, get your men out of there!"
"I know!"
The wall rose as tall as a castle, reaching over thirty metres as a path formed for the Allied forces to retreat. With Asura's magic still active, the imperial soldiers were trapped on the other side.
"Get out of there, now!" Sweat began to ooze down his cheeks, the feeling of the empire's magic barrier starting to take its toll on his body while the enemy also had time to regroup. Continue your adventure with empire
'How long until they are here... I must keep going...' Asura's mind was filled with determination, yet seeing the fallen knights and orcs on the battlefield caused his heart to ache.
Three hours remained until the Silver Cavalry would arrive.