Chapter 384 Shang Luo Wants to be friends?!
Chapter 384 Shang Luo Wants to be friends?!
Shang Luo didn't take any action.
Until his second week at the academy, during one of the brief breaks, Asura was washing his face after training with Vela and Amalia.
"Excuse me. I am sorry to approach you in such an improper fashion."
Asura turned around after wiping his face with his towel to see who the owner of the voice was. He was a youth that stood just below six feet tall with an expressionless face. Although his voice had a softness to it, the youth was dressed in a black robe and had a sword by his waist, the black hair of the east fluttering in the wind.
'What is Shang Luo approaching me for? Doesn't he want to approach Vela?' Asura thought to himself, a feeling of anger bubbling slightly. However, he found that his grudge towards Shang Luo seemed to have faded, or rather, the tower of death helped him deal with the unreasonable hatred towards him.
Now, at least, he could deal with this life Shang Luo with a calm and rational mind.
"Shang Luo, what are you here for?" Asura asked with a straight face.
"I have come here to invite you to have lunch with me."
"Lunch?" Asura frowned.
"Yes." Shang Luo nodded.
"A lunch with just two guys?" Asura asked again, finding the invitation strange.
"Yes." Shang Luo confirmed his previous statement once more.
Asura looked into the eyes that stood in front of him. He couldn't feel any malice, though his lips twitched each time Asura didn't agree instantly. 'Well what is the worst that could happen? Poison?' With these thoughts, he agreed, and the duo walked towards a restaurant that Shang Luo knew of.
The two were seated on opposite ends of a table and ordered their meals. As the meals arrived, Asura found that Shang Luo still wasn't speaking a word. He just stared at Asura eating.
"Say, why did you invite me out?" Asura spoke up, unable to bear the silence.
"Honestly, I just wanted someone to eat with, a person that wouldn't fawn over me for being the prince of an empire. Thus, another prince would be best, no?" Shang Luo smiled as he took a sip of the soup he had ordered.
"You wanted company?" Asura frowned. This was not the reason he expected.
"Well, I am not the kind of prince that loves solitude. I love to attend parties and be showered with praises, but here isn't my kingdom, and I have to wait hours just for my secret guards to check if people are poisoning my food." Shang Luo sighed.
"Secret guards? Don't the restaurants here have a device that prevents poisons?" Asura was confused. The technology of the empire was a thing to behold.
"Did you think my guards or father would trust that kind of technology when we've been at war so many times, hahaha?"
"So, you are a bit paranoid?" Asura sighed.
"Father was paranoid, and since birth, he has ensured that I am paranoid, too. Well, it is just a precaution, but I do miss the delicious meals that I used to have at home."
"True, but dinner at the palace is annoying all the testers and strange processes, meaning we eat cold food unless it's cooked by people we trust." This was a big reason Asura rarely went to the palace unless the queen specifically ordered him. He hated the cold soups and tough meat because it lost the juices after being tested and cooling.
"That sounds annoying. At least in Silvara, I can enjoy one of our branch restaurants without worry because my guards can replace the chefs when I visit! Haha, I had all my guards train in the culinary arts, you see." Shang Luo smiled as Asura nodded his head.
The two princes ate silently, but it didn't feel awkward. "That's smart..." Asura didn't want to praise him but realised that he might do the same with Aria and his guardians.
"By the way, Asura, can you teach me some of your sword art?" Shang Luo spoke up, breaking the silence.
"Teach you? Why would you ask me when you have Mu Yue?" Asura asked, confused.
"Mu Yue is no good; I don't want to be near that cursed witch; her skin is cold, and she has eerie scars all over. At least if it's with another guy, I don't need to be made to feel sick."
'I see... so he is still a bastard when he was the one who did that to her...' Asura felt rage bubbling in him, but he held it back.
"Well, I can't teach you because it's just something that comes naturally to me, but I can train and practise with you if you like though it would be for an hour after all classes finish twice a week?" Asura offered.
"Alright!" Shang Luo nodded with a bright smile, his gloomy aura vanishing as Asura felt his guard dropping slightly.
"So, let us start today, and if you need anything, let me know." Asura didn't mind doing this but would never show his true techniques; instead, he would use the old forms of his devil sword style that he still needed to master. But Asura still felt confused by this life's Shang Luo.
Though he was still an insufferable bastard, he didn't have the same fierce aura or the arrogance Asura would expect from a prince.
"Oh, there is one thing." Shang Luo spoke up once more, stopping Asura from getting up.
"What is it?" Asura asked, curious.
"Can you help me befriend that girl with pink hair, Cil Mavis?" Shang Luo asked, causing Asura to choke on his drink.
"Huh? Why would I do that?" Asura was confused.
"She is cute, and I don't have many female friends here. Most nobles are scared of me because they know the power of my family, but she argued and beat me in a duel without caring... That girl, although a commoner, is quite amusing. I want to get to know her and..."
'What's this? Why is Shang Luo blushing... Did he really fall for that pink-haired midget with a foul mouth?!' Asura was shocked; however, he just laughed.
'This is a strange life, and honestly, Cil is the perfect girl for Shang Luo.' Asura thought, recalling how Cil treated him and Mu Yue. She wasn't afraid and could put them both in their place.
"I can introduce you, but don't try anything weird, or I'll end you. Well... she would probably end you first." Asura warned him, and Shang Luo just nodded with a blush.
'Wait, is this Shang Luo for real? What happened to him? Did he get replaced by someone from another world?' Asura wondered if this was a plot from a novel or something, or Shang Luo's life had changed, too, since he attacked the Lyndwrym fort.
However, Asura didn't know that after suffering a near-death experience and almost being cast aside by his father, Shang Luo changed; although he remained sharp and dangerous, his desires changed while being locked in that lonely cell, with only dripping water and rats for company.
Shang Luo now desired companionship and a family, something his mother and father had abandoned him for politics and the throne.
With this, his desire to attack Silvara and cause trouble faded. Experience tales at empire
It seemed to Shang Luo that meeting Cil Mavis was his destined moment, and he wanted to court her as he read in the books as a young boy instead of his usual flaunting that just made her beat him up.
Thus, Shang Luo decided he would do his best to change, and hopefully, she would accept him.
Two hours after his meal with Shang Luo, Asura sat alone on the stone bridge facing the Imperium hotel, where he shared bonds with Mu Xue, Xavida and Verana.
The strange changes in Shang Luo made his heart feel conflicted; how should he act? Accept that the two Shang Luo's were different and try to adapt and move on?
Keep his anger and kill them no matter what? Or simply stay neutral, not caring about this Shang Luo.
'It's easy to hate, but harder to forgive...' Asura's thoughts were interrupted as a hand patted his shoulder.
"Asura, what's wrong?" Verana's beautiful black hair draped over his shoulders as she sat beside him, wrapping her arm around his waist.
"Nothing... Just thinking." Asura sighed, resting his head on Verana's shoulder, the fragrance of roses wafting into his nose.
"Asura, you know you can tell me anything."
"It's something that might hurt you, though..." Asura sighed, knowing that Verana was a sworn enemy of Shang Luo.
"It's fine... Tell me." Verana spoke softly, kissing his forehead.
"Verana, I met Shang Luo today, and he was different, nothing like I remembered him... He was polite, not arrogant and a bit lonely..." Asura sighed, not sure how Verana would react.
"Asura... Are you telling me you trust him and will forgive him for what he did?"
"I don't... but this Shang Luo, is he really the same man? He fell in love with Cil Mavis, a commoner!" Asura couldn't hold back his laughter as he imagined the pink-haired commoner beating Shang Luo.
"He fell in love with a commoner? Is that guy crazy?" Verana giggled. "That's not like him, though; why do you know this?"
"He invited me for lunch, and he confessed everything... Verana, I feel confused. How can I hate him when this Shang Luo doesn't seem the same, yet how can I trust him after what we endured?" Asura sighed, burying his face into Verana's chest.
"Asura... Shang Luo is a monster, and no matter what, we can't forgive him for what he did... However, that is the Shang Luo we met back then, as for this one. Let's keep an eye on him, wait and see how he performs while staying as close to neutral as possible?" Verana's soft hand stroked Asura's hair, and he nodded.
"Alright. Let us watch him for now, and if he dares cross us, I'll end him." Asura resolved himself.
"Asura... You've grown." Verana kissed Asura as the two leaned against the stone bridge, watching the bustling city go by.
"Verana... What if he doesn't cross us?"
"Then... I guess we can let bygones be bygones, but the past must remain, or we may forget and regret later." Verana spoke with a serious tone as Asura nodded, realising she was right. "It's why I haven't forgiven Verena despite how hard she's been working to change Drakkur for the better, even selling her expensive clothes and jewels to fund various projects for the commoners."
"Verana... You've matured too."
"We've all changed, Asura, and although I'll always be your adorable Verana, I am also the Duchess of Drakkur and must face reality. However, if Verena keeps trying so hard, she might just be happy becoming your princess and living a relaxed life, fufu." Verana's giggle caused Asura to gulp.
'Princess, huh?' Asura sighed, and Verana kissed his cheek.
"Fufu, let us just watch the Shang Luo of this life, and if he is truly repentant, maybe, just maybe, we can accept him, but the pain and scars remain. Remember that, Asura." Verana smiled, and the two watched the sunset, enjoying each other's warmth.
'Shang Luo, although you may have changed, the sins you committed, the scars you've given us remain, and I will never forgive you if you dare harm us or anyone I care for again.'