Chapter 378 Meeting Shang Luo!
Chapter 378 Meeting Shang Luo!
This was now a mutual misunderstanding, not just his mistake.
'She really resembles her if her hair and eyes turned blue instead of amber...' He thought while the female in Eastern attire cleared her throat and looked at him with glazed eyes.
"I-I will not blame you, that kiss. Although my first time, thanks to you, it felt very good, and I do not feel anger or upset towards you. If honest, I wanted to keep kissing..." Her voice trailed off as she seemed to blush; Asura noticed her eyes widen and then dart away from his gaze.
A lovely reaction compared to her earlier stoic and icy atmosphere.
"I am sorry, you reminded me of someone, and then I couldn't resist you because of your beauty and the taste of her lips." Asura didn't lie. When his lips touched hers, he knew it wasn't Mu Xue, but instead of stopping, he felt addicted to her.
The taste and feeling of hugging her tight felt natural, just like the first time he hugged Mu Xue over a decade ago. "I hope we can meet again in the future to learn more about each other... If you wouldn't mind?"
Little did Asura know this woman had already been ordered to capture him in a honey trap. Though she didn't understand the target was him, either.
Mu Yue's gaze showed a complex and delighted reaction to his words. Her eyes stared into his while she stroked her lips with her index finger. "I... Is it too much for me to say I wish the same?" Her soft, melodic voice sounded nothing like before.
A charming and feminine voice.
"I would love to," Asura affirmed, while his aggressive and upfront reactions caused Mu Yue to stiffen up and turn red because of her inexperience and shock at the strange situation.
Not to mention, she could still feel the lingering sensation that his kiss caused, a warm and slightly prickling sensation that flowed through her skin. Especially the areas where she suffered burns and scarring.
Thus, Mu Yue wanted to hurry and take a shower, but her body reacted to this man too much, making her feel things that she couldn't explain. While staring into his crimson eyes, she felt the will and presence of a true leader, something Shang Luo lacked.
It made her feelings of wanting to seek revenge waver.
"Ah... Well, I have to get going. My prince is probably going to wonder where I have gotten." Mu Yue's voice didn't sound convincing, but Asura didn't want to make trouble—he reached out and stroked the cheek of Mu Yue, his thumb tracing her soft lips.
However, the next moment, an arrogant voice sounded from the staff room. "Oi Yue, where are you? I have some documents and things you need to fill in for me! Hurry and do your job."
'That Voice!?'
Asura knew the voice; that arrogant and smarmy accent made his blood boil; with his adrenaline starting to pump through his veins, the lovely Mu Yue vanished from his sight while the black-haired prince, the one who killed him, stole everything and ruined his life, appeared here!
'Calm down, Asura. I can't kill him in the open... Think about my role now: I am Vela's husband. I have to be careful about my actions.' Asura calmed himself; the fury inside him had to calm, or his identity would vanish because of the blood he would shed, causing a needless war with the Emerald Empire.
"Coming, Prince Shang Luo!" Mu Yue's once alluring and sweet voice returned to its icy and distant tone while her sharp-eyed glare returned.
However, before she left Asura, she leaned towards him, standing on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Let us meet again. I will be waiting for you." Then, Mu Yue vanished around a wall, entering the staff room while Asura felt she completely defeated him.
"So the prince is here, maybe because of events changing his study period started sooner? I need to have more contact with Vela and Verana to avoid any issues. Not that I doubt them. The public also needs to feel confident that we are not inferior to that damn empire." Asura had many thoughts running through his head while the smell of Mu Yue lingered on his clothes.
'This isn't helping. Damn woman. I guess even Vela has her faults, hiring a honey trap staff member.' Asura didn't want to believe that the current Verana could ever be involved in this issue, though he wondered why there wasn't a Mu Yue last time.
"Come to think of it, did I ask her name? I only know she is called Yue... a pretty name."
Asura didn't need to waste his time near the library, so instead headed home, where he would wait for the girls to return from their trip to the city for shopping and a girl's day out.
Inside the mansion, Shang Luo looked at the strange Mu Yue; her face looked different. He couldn't quite put his finger on the reason, but he felt the two women beside him felt ugly compared to her. He knew she held a disgusting and nasty body because his father attacked the Mu family years ago, burning them to a husk and killing all males.
"Yue... did you do something with your hair?"
Mu Yue looked strange, a little shocked, as she grabbed her hair and turned away.
In reality, she tied her hair up because she could smell Asura's scent; having missed his name and only being able to feel his lingering scent made her feel comfortable, telling herself it wasn't a dream and that he existed. That he wasn't a figment of her imagination.
'I can still taste him in my mouth. Why did we suddenly kiss... I don't understand. How could I kiss my enemy!?'
Mu Yue wanted answers; luckily, Asura behaved respectfully and treated her like a lady the whole time, and when she needed to leave, he didn't restrain her, which increased her opinion of him. In the Empire, she saw far too many men try to pressure women into drinking with them or stopping them from leaving bars to drink with them, threatening the girl.
"N-No, Prince Shang Luo... Was my hair undone or messy from work? I can check myself in the mirror." Her icy and cold voice returned while Shang Luo looked annoyed and threw the files in his hand towards her.
"Tsk, who cares about a scarred monster like you, anyway. Look at these documents; one is your target with an up-to-date picture, and the other file is his wife and main fiancée" Mu Yue caught the files; her amber eyes widened because Asura's handsome smiling face appeared.
'Target!? Main Fiancée!?'
Mu Yue felt her heart suddenly ache, a pain she had never experienced since losing her family. However, she wasn't free. Her task must be completed; her feelings towards Asura seemed to dwindle, while she wondered if he was like the rest of the men, just playing around.
Continue your adventure at empire
She left the room, first entering her small and poorly equipped room. Though she would protect and help Shang Luo the most, her room was like a closet in this mansion. While the two sluts he met on the travel here would take lavish bedrooms with huge baths. Though she didn't care for the prince himself, she wondered why she couldn't get better treatment.
"No... I understand."
Even in the palace back in the empire, she could not enter the same baths as the others. Her disfigured skin and how they called her a monster behind her back, making slurs for her to return to the monster kingdoms... With those angry feelings, she tore off her robe and the extra tunic, remembering Asura's hands touching her bare chest... the feeling of his rough fingers tracing atop her nipples...
It was such a smooth act that she couldn't endure the sexual pleasure and grew wet.
However, standing in the mirror, she remained stunned.
Although they still existed, her burn marks and scars were significantly smaller, especially the ones covering her breasts that made her feel like a monster with no true gender. Her soft pink cherries, no longer burned and scarred, stood upright, pointing to the sky, her perky bosom nothing like before... the dark scars and blade marks were gone—instead, she felt shocked.
'I healed, how, when!?'
Only to remember that fiery feeling, the moment his hand touched her breasts, she didn't feel rejection, instead a blissful pleasure beyond anything she had felt before... Even when using her fingers to comfort her lonely body's needs.
"Was it thanks to him? Did Asura's hands make my breasts this beautiful? They even seem more full... rounded, heavier and so perky. In the past, they drooped to the sides a little..." Mu Yue enjoyed examining her changes, a small tear appearing because the hideous female everyone hated her became one step closer to normal...
Though her right hip, thighs, and stomach still held the worst of her scars, Asura had caressed her chest mostly, and now, if she wore something up to her abdomen, her upper body looked extremely erotic and beautiful. Without a second glance, she felt no man could resist her charm... Yet, in her heart, she didn't want the men that rejected her as a monster.
"He... I will read the documents and decide after speaking with him. Since the prince wants me to seduce him and use a honey trap... I will have him heal my body and give myself to him as my repayment for setting me free of this tormented lifestyle!"
Whether these words would remain true or she would genuinely come to desire him. Mu Yue already understood from their first kiss. She would lose this mission and afterwards become unable to return to the same woman she was in the past.
These thoughts became even more solidified when she saw the Fiancée documents.
The first person on the list, "Mu Xue", and the details of how she met Asura, Shang Luo, seemed to have read nothing. Otherwise, he would regret this moment. To give the victim proof of what truly happened that night was an idiotic move.
"Scarred... unable to walk.... wanted to put her to death, yet the young Asura.... insisted on healing her...." Mu Yue read the past of her sister, realising she too suffered, her body burned and thinking she lost everything.
"I have to meet her... If she is my big sister, then I can accept sharing him..."
Meanwhile, Asura's actions would soon cause a storm within the ranks of his lovers that would lead to him finally taking the next step in their relationship.