Chapter 353: The Cult's Deep Grasp
Chapter 353: The Cult's Deep Grasp
To reach the capital of Romantica from the Fortress City of Utgard. You must first pass through the narrow passage of Veltheim. This massive mountain range almost entirely blocked off the eastern parts of Romantica from the west.
The distance between the two mountains was enough for ten people to walk side by side, with many small passageways leading to monster dens or dead ends—the only safe passage remaining the central route.
However, the problem the army led by Lorem and Ignis faced was countless blockades with small militia using the advantage of a narrow area to drag on combat.
I'm sick of these damn brainwashed fools.
Lorem's eyes scanned the long distance they still needed to travel. The pass continued for over fifty metres and they had travelled only fifteen in two days.
"Ignis, how long did Maria's letter say they would be behind us?" Lorem tapped the makeshift desk they created after taking a break. Also, creating several camps to decide on what to do with the current state of things.
"Sub-Commander Lorem! There are many issues regarding their tactics and how we are currently dealing with them. However, if we deal with them without care then the warriors from Utgard and Westrin might suffer mental damage." Ignis and the Valkyrie rarely showed their emotions, making things hard for Lorem to sift through her thoughts.
"Do we need to treat our enemies so nicely, Ignis?"
"That isn't what I mean! These men and women have been brainwashed by the demons. We can't just slaughter them, or our warriors will feel regret."
"I see... Then, do we just wait here forever? If they can't kill us, we can't kill them. Soon Maria and the others will catch up with us! What would they think if our army couldn't even make it past this mountain pass?"
Lorem understood where Ignis was coming from. As a commander, she should take her thoughts into account. However, the current situation was dire, and they were already on the brink of a stalemate.
Not to mention she didn't want Asura to return and see that she couldn't even achieve a single thing. She wanted to be acknowledged by him and loved more for her excellence. However, she knew that her strongest quality was the battle itself, not tactics and leading.
"If it were Asura... he would have found a way."
Ignis had nothing to say about Lorem's statement, but the way she looked at the redhead made her uncomfortable.
"What's wrong, Ignis? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"N-Nothing, I just realised that you are right... He would probably charge in himself, or ride Xavida and use their combined powers to crush the enemy and clear a path for everyone even if it left him exhausted, or covered in wounds. I can't help but wonder how the man has lived as long as he has with such reckless behaviour."
"You can say that, but it's precisely that behaviour that makes people flock to him and trust him with their lives." Lorem was smiling and clapped her hands together. "Okay, I'll act like I wish and take a leaf from his book. Ignis can you call Helliana and Xavida for me?"
"Yes, Sub-Commander Lorem."
The redhead nodded and watched the Valkyrie walk back to the camp.
"Wait, Ignis."
"I want you to get ready as well."
"What exactly do you have in mind?"
"We're going to do a bit of hunting."
Ignis's voice trembled for a moment as she saw the bloodthirsty smile that appeared on the redhead's lips.
"Don't worry. We'll only be hurting those who don't matter."
"And who are they?"
"The monsters and bandits that have taken refuge within the mountain. Never would I call those humans monsters, but if they got killed by monsters we cannot help it right?"
"T-This is..."
Ignis tried to come up with some way to convince the sub-commander otherwise, but she knew nothing would stop her from her goal. This was the first time Ignis realised that having Asura as her commander felt comfortable, despite his dangerous tactics and using himself as a glorified weapon. "Understood..."
"Great. Then let's get to work. I want you to send out a scouting party."
"But, the monsters—"
"Don't worry. I will be dealing with them. If the demons are smart enough, they won't try anything."
Lorem seemed to insist on her logic, so Ignis gave up fighting against her. She realised Lorem planned to take the burden for the sins of killing the villagers and people of Romantica. "Understood!"
With a salute, Ignis vanished into the distance, rushing towards Xavida and Helliana's tent.
"Well, I cannot let Amalia learn of this, she might become sentimental and I don't wish to make his sister commit atrocities." Lorem laughed dryly, realising the irony in her own words.
She knew her actions would stain her heart, but she decided not to think too deeply about it.
Half an hour later, Ignis returned with Xavida and Helliana while Verana also appeared, her scarlet eyes looking at Lorem with an amused gaze.
"You called for me, Lorem?" Xavida was the first one to speak, her lovely voice bringing a strange cheer to the camp as she bounced on her feet, always seeming to be full of energy since Asura left. "I can tell something is going on from the way Ignis is acting."
"Is it that obvious?" Lorem said as she pointed at Ignis.
The poor Valkyrie's face looked cramped, with her lips twitching and a horrific fake smile on her lips.
"It is..." Xavida sighed, her hand caressing her face. "So, what are your plans?"
"I plan to travel ahead and hunt down the monsters and bandits. They are hindering us, and we have no other option."
"Monsters and bandits, huh?" Verana and Helliana looked at each other with understanding eyes, while Xavida just bounced up and down and nodded.
"We should kill the bandits and monsters for sure!" Xavida yelled out, her loud voice causing a few tents to shake.
"Yes, and when we're done, we can come back and surprise the army with our achievements."
"That sounds good, Lorem. So, do you plan on leaving immediately?"
"That's the plan, I just needed you all to get ready and we should leave right away. Ignis, can you handle things on the camp while I'm gone?"
"Yes, Sub-Commander."
"Good. Now that we are done, we should get ready."
The trio prepared. Though Helliana and Lorem didn't wear armour like the others, the same was true for Xavida as her body could create soft pink and silver dragon scales that were stronger than any armour produced in Silvara.
Lorem wore the black armour that Asura gave her, with white wolf fur around her neck and shoulders, making her look majestic and awe-inspiring.
Xavida and the others didn't bother changing their clothes. Xavida had her usual dress-like attire with a pair of black stretchy shorts underneath while Verana wore her usual dark red robe and Helliana wore a thick black robe, with a pair of pants underneath.
"I'm done."
"So am I."
"Me too!"
"Okay, let's go."
Ignis watched with a complicated look after they all finished. She wanted to say something but remained silent. After the group nodded, they disappeared from their campsite and appeared on the path the army had to take.
Meanwhile, further down the passage, a group of two hundred militia made of peasants from the villages and commoners from the cities all stood with basic weapons and armour, broken carriages and other obstacles, making the pass harder to traverse.
"Remember what those strange cultists said, if we stop this army for even a day we will be rich!" The man who seemed to lead the militia shouted, though his fellow militia looked unconfident.
"Boss, is this a good idea? Those knights and soldiers are all well-trained and look much stronger than us. Do you think we can win?"
"Shut up, fool! Don't forget that we have a few mages and warriors amongst us. Though we are not trying to win, just stall them. Do you think they would kill people from their kingdom?"
"Oh yeah... The robed man said they wouldn't viciously attack us."
"Right? And the robed man has a way to deal with those knights. So, we need to just stall them for a while, and we'll be rich."
"Alright, boss! But, what are we doing for food and water?"
Suddenly, a loud sound echoed through the mountains, the growl of a monster and the vibration of something huge pushing through the sky.
"What the hell was that!?"
"Where the hell are the ones the robed men set up to fight the monsters?!"
"Boss, what do we do?"
The leader of the militia started panicking after the thundering roar.
Before he could reassure his men, the sky turned dark with the appearance of a huge silver dragon and two strange birds, one crimson and the other black... the monsters didn't fight each other and moved towards the Militia.
"What is this!? A-Attack the monsters!"
As the leader ordered the men to attack, a woman with crimson hair, riding the blackbird and wielding two long blades, descended and landed on the ground.
"Good evening. I am here to slay the demons infesting these lands." She showed a beautiful smile before her fangs became visible causing the militia to collapse.
"M-Monster kill her!"
"No, wait, we need to run! Don't kill her, she's too dangerous!"
Several people screamed varying orders as the woman started laughing.
"Now, now... why don't we all play nicely, and maybe I won't have to eat you."
"Ah... that's right, but they might eat you," Verana added after Xavida's mouth started collecting energy with a white and black crackle.
"That's a brilliant point, Verana. You are so smart. How about this, if you surrender now, we'll give you a swift death."
"T-That's... what does that mean?"
"It means I will cut your heads off and let the blood out without letting you feel pain." Helliana seemed to enjoy playing a villain as she spoke with a high-pitched voice and sounded much younger.
"I-Is that... what does swiftly mean?"
"I'll snap your necks." Helliana chuckled, while her claws sliced a human into shreds of meat as he screamed in agony.
"So, is swiftly and painlessly the same thing?"
"Maybe~ it depends on how pathetic you are."
"Boss, should we surrender?"
The militia was trembling. Most of them tried to run only for Lorem to stop them with her huge wingspan covering the entire passage, her mouth opening with billowing flames enough to make the men petrified.
"Please, spare us!"
"W-We will do anything!"
"Splendid. I love obedience. If you do what I ask, I'll let you live." Lorem grinned, her lips stretching wide, her eyes shining as a dark aura appeared around her. "Please die!"
The next moment a crimson flame engulfed the two hundred militia members, burning their bodies and melting their flesh.
Lorem watched the flames turn the pass into a furnace as Xavida and Helliana also attacked the men, killing those who ran or tried to hide.
The slaughter continued until there were no survivors.
Verana hopped back on Helliana's back, the two seemed to have become good friends at some point, with them looking at Lorem in human form, looking at the charred corpses.
"She's too soft to complete missions like this, I guess we should as our husband soothe her when he's back."
"Mmm, Verana we definitely should after we've had our fun with him first."