Chapter 343: The Beautiful Princess and her prince.
Chapter 343: The Beautiful Princess and her prince.
Asura woke up to an empty bed, a thick scent of Verana lingering on his body.
The room carried the sweet scent of jasmine and vanilla, a lingering reminder of Verana's presence.
'Hmm... Are they still at that thing?'
Verana had gone to prepare breakfast with the other ladies, their actions of jealousy and competition a constant source of discomfort for Asura.
It seemed they had ceased their open competition, a change he had requested, but they now resorted to using meals, training, and battles to vie for his attention. A fact that only heightened his unease. "Well, let's get ready and go see how things are going."
Asura slipped out of bed and looked out the window, admiring how hard-working Westrin and their men were. Outside, they were working on the inner wall and repairing the vital structures of the city, like the sewage, water works and distribution roads for food and vital supplies.
"Oh? It seems that Alan is leaving today. They are all at the port. I can feel the excitement on their faces." Asura said while putting on his tunic—today, it seemed Vela chose.
The black and silver tunic looked regal with his fitted black trousers.
However, as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, a feeling of unfamiliarity washed over Asura.
The man he saw was a far cry from the person he once was, and the stark contrast left him feeling a subtle sense of longing for his past self. Not the person he was, but to be ignorant of the things he now knew.
"Is this really the path I desire? Am I not just being guided by another string of fate?"
Asura didn't know. He just wanted to protect his women and family. This simple task, though, always seemed to head in strange directions and tangents.
As he walked through the mansion, it felt strange and foreign. The subtle differences between Romantica became clear to Asura, though their art and taste were beautiful.
Romantica rarely displayed the colour of silver because of their wars with Silvara, which made him miss home.
"Oh, Lord Asura! Good morning, My Lord!" A mature maid with curled brown hair bowed to him.
She seemed to be in the middle of the morning cleaning since the mansion suffered minor damage, which only took a day to repair.
"Don't mind me—continue with your work."
"Yes, My Lord!"
Because of his actions and treatment of Alan, the people of Westrin showed nothing but thanks and respect for Asura.
Imagine your kingdom abandoning you, almost leaving you to ruin, and then a foreign prince and princess come to save your city. It might not be easy to convince all of Romantica, but Utgard and Westrin were neutral at best.
'I wonder how difficult the rest of the kingdom will be.'
In the three weeks Asura remained in Westrin, many changes happened. Vela came to Westrin, while Lucia returned to keep watch, along with Helliana and even Xavida.
'I asked them why, but those girls said it was a secret...'
Asura mused at the changes and how he enjoyed them. They began taking their movements and doing what they wished, but sometimes, he just wanted to cuddle with Xavida at night because the nights in Romantica were colder than Silvara, and she was like a portable heated blanket.
"Ignis, Amalia, Vela, Lorem and Verana." Those were the strongest women in Westrin at the moment, and only three of them were Asura's women.
'I expected Mu Xue to come, but apparently, she joined in the training sessions and started helping Lorem with the knights and warriors...'
While he complained inwardly, he smelled the scent of vanilla and baked bread.
Three beautiful maidens... all wearing a distinct style of maid outfit.
A dark, mysterious maid with curled black hair and red eyes, her outfit a little erotic with her short skirt and cleavage poking through the black and white blouse.
Besides her fiery beauty, her tanned skin and scarlet hair fit her temperament and personality. She wore an elegant one-piece with a flared skirt and a white apron.
Last, the most eye-catching maid stood with a short figure, her elegant posture almost out of place in the maid's outfit. Glistening silver hair and lovely amber eyes, with a small crown made of silver on her head.
The last one was unmistakably Vela—she wore a maid uniform, much to his surprise.
"This is... nice."
"Oh! Sweetie! I've been waiting for you~" Lorem said while swaying her hips over to him.
Her cheerful demeanour made Asura feel happy and relaxed, a feeling that only grew as the other girls joined her.
"Master Asura, I am here to serve you!" Verana said, leaning against him and stroking his chest.
"My beloved Prince, breakfast has been served," Vela said with a gentle smile, her adorable figure tugging at his heartstrings.
The three women approached him with different styles, but they all wanted the same thing. Asura first kissed the forehead of Verana after last night. His feelings of affection and love towards her were sky-high. "Thank you, my beloved vampire maid. Please continue to serve me well."
Then he wrapped both arms around Lorem, her figure once taller than him, now a few inches shorter. He lifted her chin, kissing her sweet lips and murmuring his love. "You always take care of me—thank you, Lorem."
He kept her in his embrace, feeling her supple breasts squashed against his chest. A fuzzy feeling developed in his heart as he embraced her. Asura felt his confidence as their husband and lover stabilised. His eyes then turned to the last maid, his loyal wife and the princess of Silvara. "Vela, come here."
Vela's eyes seemed to glisten, her happiness on full display as she quickly rushed forward to hug him, her maid dress fluttering as she jumped up.
'I cannot stop loving her—she came out of nowhere, and at first, she was just a pretty face...'
Now, Vela had become his pillar of support and the one who could help him be more confident and secure in his decisions.
Asura hugged her small waist and kissed her gently, feeling her hot breath on his lips as he felt her shiver in his embrace. "My beloved wife, you dress like this, and your husband might just eat you, leaving nothing on the bone."
"Ehehe... then eat me~ I am yours to devour!"
His heart throbbed for the first time in a while.
Vela didn't say cute things like this. She was filled with nerves and focused on her role as a princess. Now, she caused him to become stunned.
"Whew... lovebirds, get a room." Lorem jeered, but her lips curled into a smile.
"Silence, peasant!" Verana retorted, pouting with displeasure.
"Girls, settle down. Come on, Vela, my lovely maid. Let's eat," Asura said while patting Vela behind and then signalling them to join him for breakfast.
"Let's eat together, Verana, Lorem. I love you both too." Asura said while gesturing for them to join him.
"Yes, Master~" Verana placed her rump on the wooden seat opposite Asura. Her legs spread and caused Asura to catch a glimpse of her pale skin and soft inner thigh.
'Damn... I spent the night with her, and she's flashing herself to me already, and no panties at that!'
Since they stopped fighting, this became Asura's biggest issue, as he felt a large hand slip inside his pocket.
Her fingers slipped along his thigh and stroked his sleeping dragon.
'Stop teasing me, you damn women!'
After his inner thoughts, he tried to focus on the meal instead of the women who were trying to seduce him.
"Asura, today I will be taking the Valkyrie to kill some monsters that moved closer to the city—Ignis and Amalia will protect me. Is that alright?" Vela's eyes shone with determination and the fact she didn't ask for his help made Asura happier than usual. He loved seeing her grow as a woman and a warrior.
'My Princess wife is the cutest.'
"Take Verana. She needs to get some exercise after lazing around. I hope you'll bring some tasty food home for dinner, then."
The reason he didn't mind them leaving was because he would be training with Lorem today, not combat but spiritual and magical combat. Because Asura realised his limits of relying on just his body and the void magic, he learned. His Animus couldn't keep up with long or high-intensity battles.
"Eh...?" Vela looked at Asura, shocked. Maybe she thought he would insist on coming, or maybe the cute princess wanted him to come. However, he didn't insist on coming, made her smile after a moment, and she felt his trust.
"Hmm? I need to exercise, but I got some great exercise last night. My neck and body still ache!" Verana looked at Asura with a bitter look—she seemed to want to say something with her leg stretching under the table and brushing her bare foot along his crotch, a sly smile on her face.
"Wh-what do you mean?" Vela asked nervously.
"You don't know? Last night, this guy, well... Uggh!?"
Asura's leg snapped out, his foot crushing Verana's soft petals and her garden under his foot, twisting as her body seemed to shudder.
Not in pain, but another sensation as her lips quivered, releasing a hot sigh as she covered her mouth, hiding a high-pitched moan. "Nnn!?" Then she looked at Asura with a sharp gaze before turning to Vela. "Ah... nothing, we were just training."
Lorem noticed their strange behaviour, a broad smirk on her face. "Is that so? You were training? Just how intense was the training last night? Couldn't sleep at all~"
Her eyes revealed a jealous glint, which caused Asura to become alert while he continued to neutralise Verana with his foot. She clutched the base of her seat with both legs spread wide, biting her lips with tightly closed eyes.
However, at the same time. Lorem's hand now slipped inside his waistband, touching him directly with her warm, silky fingers.
Asura couldn't trust the masochist and switch, so he turned to the lovely princess, who smiled at him like the sun. He only hoped that she didn't smell or notice Lorem's hand moving under the table...