Chapter 277: A Strange Proposition - Mysterious Duo!
Chapter 277: A Strange Proposition - Mysterious Duo!
Asura stood stunned, watching Ignis slowly rise from the ground. He couldn't believe such a strange thing—a little joke about her tattoo—would make her so passionate suddenly.
"Asura Fenix, my master, our entire 7th Elite unit is all from my family's bloodline. Thus, we will serve you with our hearts and souls until the day our bodies break!"
This news was something Asura didn't know. Each unit of Valkyrie shared the same blood. How they were born or got so many high-level warriors from the same bloodline intrigued Asura, but he would wait until the right time to ask.
"Wait a minute, you don't have to break. I need you all to live for a long time."
"Ah!? Such a compassionate and caring master!"
The wings on his back fluttered because of his feelings of embarrassment at how seriously Ignis acted because of his little joke.
However, it was too late to take things back.
It seemed Ignis would deliver the news about him to the entire unit when she returned. Thus, he could only accept this fate and instead use it to his benefit.
'The more I devote to myself, the fewer questions and resistance I'll get when acting in the future.'
"Where are you all stationed?"
"Lyndwyrm Fort is where most of my sisters are currently guarding. During the last conflict, they dispatched us to the territory, and we soon received the news of our transfer."
"I see. How many of you are currently in the capital?"
"Thirteen, all have been guarding you from the moment you arrived at the palace, and we will follow you almost anywhere from now on."
"Make sure you rotate your shifts and take breaks. I would hate for you girls to break down or get exhausted."
"Yes, Master!!"
Ignis seemed to want to remain with Asura all night, but he asked her to give him some time alone. He gave up and stated she could protect him from a distance outside his ability to sense her.
Despite this, with her nearly five hundred metres away, Asura could still sense all thirteen of them, which were in various directions.
He couldn't tell their exact location, but he had an accurate idea of their direction and approximate distance from himself. It wasn't the first time he'd noticed this and wondered why it was possible.
Though Ignis revealed their secret too soon... as he looked at the silver ring now etched into his finger with the same sword as before. This allows them to mask their aura, magic and presence from those who have no direct relation to them.
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Other than the queen and royal family, nobody owns such a privilege.
'I can summon them all using this and also punish them if they do wrong... It's such a foreign thing. I never knew in the past.'
[Asura~ are you busy? I am bored. The goblins don't help me grow anymore and they've started running the moment I appear! I miss you, so come to my room soon and play?]
[Of course, things here are very busy, but I promise to come soon.]
[Hehe~ I am happy! Ah, Spica also seems to miss you; what did you do to her? She hates others normally!]
[We just played a game and got to know each other very well.]
[Hmph! I am not jealous, not one bit!]
Asura could tell from her lovely voice the princess was pouting, but he couldn't respond because in front of his gaze a woman appeared, her figure and visage strange and distorted.
"You are Asura Fenix, the future prince, correct?"
The moment would be the start of his true escape from his ordained fate.
Because he recognised this woman as the one who visited his tent before arriving at the capital, the strange priestess asked him to read an offer written inside a letter, but he could not help because he alone couldn't defeat an entire army, though he might come close. There were things a vast group could do against a single enemy and slowly exhaust them to death.
"It's been a few days, lady priest."
"So you remember, interesting. I thought my magic would make me vanish from your memories."
"Let's not waste time; you want me to help Maria Svesta, right? Against the orcs and cult."
"An excellent conclusion. Did you get that from the letter? We didn't mention the cult, only the strangeness of the countess."
"No, I just know how they do things. Not to mention, I am related to their plot in some ways."
Asura knew that even after the woman claimed he had lost his rights. The cult still pursued him thanks to his meeting with that white snake woman, who seemed to be obsessed with him.
"I understand the letter and the requested act. But what do you ask in return?"
"I seek nothing but a favour. However, I will hold that for the future. Thus, for now, just assist her as soon as possible."
The woman felt mysterious, and Asura hated that.
He wanted to know what her favour would be, but before he could ask, her figure vanished with the sound of several Valkyrie approaching at high speed, as they must have detected her presence.
'That woman is no normal priestess.'
At this moment, he had a strong feeling the woman was no normal human being.
Meanwhile, as Asura spoke with the priestess, the orcs and their cult masters seemed to prepare to move, with Grom'Gaius being forced to attack the territory of a female countess who lost most of her allies.
Despite having a sharp mind and ability as a warrior. Grom fell prey to the cult's sweet deals because of the former chieftain, sealing the fate of his clan and the male who slept with the females back in the kingdom. The cult forced them to attack these nations that didn't matter to the orcs themselves.
"I just wish to free my beloved and stop these pointless battles where my brothers die for the cultist scum."
Grom recently discovered a strange drug being distributed among some of the lower-class warriors, a highly addictive and life-destroying drug! This drug's source came from the Eastern Empire, which held an alliance with the cult and caused Grom'Gaius to realise they planned to wipe out the orcs using this drug...
He lost six brothers in a month.
'But I am just a simple orc who lacks the power to save them!'
Behind him, a human who leaned against the wall while resting on a bed coughed, his face pale, with a chest full of scars, one huge scar from his abdomen to the neck.
Alan Nelphim looked weak but still lived!
"Grom, is there no hope for the green potion that ails your brothers?"
"No, Alan. Nobody has heard of its origin or how to cure it, only that the withdrawal will kill my brethren. Thankfully, it has yet to affect any of the young women or children back home. But it keeps spreading because of those filthy goblins who trick my brothers!"
"Such a sorry state. They've thought of everything. These bastards don't mind slaughtering orcs and goblins to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the cult will move the source every few days."
Alan used his high wit to help Grom'Gaius, realising that the orcs were more noble than he realised, learning the truth of their assault and that most of the women and children still lived without harm.
"That's impossible!? How do they move it every few days?" Grom roared while covering his face with his huge palms.
A feeling of despair filled his heart. After all, his young son and daughter were back home, and the image of them taking this vile potion that would empower a person for several hours before destroying their muscles and bones forever.
"They use magical devices known as portals, which influence space itself and allow rapid transportation between the two locations."
Alan held a small notepad, these notes gathered by his strange and talented maid, who could use a rare element for rapid travel and to mask her existence.
"I think she will soon come back once we contact another kingdom. There should be hope of solving this situation. Do you know how many orcs have left your side and joined the cult? We have to make the betrayal and loss convincing to save your wife and children."
"More than half have deserted, now slaves of the cult."
Grom closed his eyes and couldn't stop his tears from falling on the ground, his rage making his hands shake.
"Tell me more about your goddess. Can a goddess save her people from suffering, or do they silently watch us from above with delight?"
Alan could tell the orc suffered, but he didn't reply.
He didn't have the answer, and the goddess's knowledge had long faded from the world. However, there might be some truth in what the orc believed.
The gods didn't care about the lowly people down in the lower realms because there were things even further above that took their attention away.
"Grom, I cannot speak for any goddess or higher power. But I can speak for myself. You showed me the honour and saved my people, then I will fight to save yours as your defeated general."
"Alan. You fought with honour and would've won that war if your people didn't betray the kingdom. It is sad, but we fought a disgraceful battle because of the cult's orders. Orcs revel in fair, brute combat against their enemies, and this isn't the Orcs' way."
"You truly think so?"
"Yes, I've learnt much about humans during the previous war and speaking with you. In truth, they're no different from orcs, from goblins. We all love, fight for what we love and want to cherish our homes."
'Do you miss me, my love? Are our children fine... that man, I will kill him even if our tribe has to start from a hovel once again! This I, Grom'Gaius, son of Grom'Brutus, swear!'
Grom stood upon the stone window, looking into the sky while searching for stars similar to those in his homeland. He thought of his beloved and their clan, who used to live such a frugal life before the cultists came and ruined that happiness.
"Alan. What will the cult do when they capture Maria Svesta?"
"As an enemy of the cult, I do not know. But I fear they will probably torture and then execute her for show. That bastard Alistair Crowley already sent their son to death, and the cult brainwashes her."
"Alan... Is that woman the one you love?"
"Is it obvious? Me and Maria grew up as close friends, but because of my older cousin Bill, our relationship became sour, and the next time we met, she acted as if we were strangers... It took me over ten years to find the proof of the cult's actions, but it was too late. You attacked before I could even prepare to confront Alistair, haha."
"Understood. I will make her appear dead. So the cult abandons her, and you will have the chance to meet her once more."
"Allan, we can only change the future of our people with actions rather than words. I want to understand you, who I blindly saw as my enemy without reason."
"Me too, Grom. Let us try our best for a better world."