Chapter 256: The Glorious Ar'Soleil
Chapter 256: The Glorious Ar'Soleil
In the farthest reaches of the western world of Nephrite II, a colossal empire sprawls across a continent larger than the entire eastern lands combined. The race of elves rule this empire.
For those gifted to the royal bloodline, their names receive the greatest honour given the titles Ar or Al, while those who serve the white forest are called Sol, symbolising the divine presence of the sun.
Known as the fairest race of all on Nephrite and most attuned with mana while possessing an innate beauty and almost eternal life. Their current Empress's official name is Ar Melania. She rules her people with an iron fist of divine light.
In the centre of the most beautiful city in the world.
Known to outsiders as the White Forest, Ar'Soleil. This city had survived countless battles and wars and is home to the last world tree. Milas Turim - The tree of hope and divinity.
The city itself appears like a dream of beautiful silver forest trees and luminous golden leaves that sparkle with power in the evening sun.
As the story begins in Ar'Soleil. The scene shifts to a throne.
And upon it sits the Empress in all her glory.
Golden hair, like fallen stars, formed each strand as they glistened in the sunlight. Eyes the colour of the sea during a storm with flecks of red. A beauty so intense and brilliant that many would gaze at her as she passes and lose all reason and power.
Dressed in a white dress of gold thread that glitters as if the gods wove the stardust itself and divinity into the fabric, with her form almost appearing like a dream.
Ar Melania, The Divine Empress.
"Empress Melania?" A voice asked as she nodded in approval as an elven lady quickly stepped in.
A pretty young elf maiden in a frilly pink maid uniform was currently trying to report to the Empress about their guest's arrival when she met with a strange and sudden sight.
The smile of the empress, something rarely seen as the Arch counsel to the empress, bowed her head.
"Milady, I have news."
Her blue eyes sparkled as she stared at the Elven woman.
"Oh, Alula? Have the guests arrived yet?" she asked softly. The sudden voice caused the air to tremble with delight, and her body emitted a beautifying radiance of silver light.
Alula Sol could feel her heart pounding.
'Strange.' She thought, 'Why must I feel this feeling?'
It was as if a wave of pure love was embracing her body.
'My heart... belongs to the empress,' She thought.
'Such a strange feeling...' Alula felt as if she was in a daze. She was the personal aid to the empress, yet despite loving her husband, she felt a special feeling for the empress.
Neither lustful nor dirty, a pure desire to serve and see her smile once more.
"They are soon arriving, Milady." She spoke as smoothly as she always had.
Her skin was like jade, and her beauty was truly beyond any woman she had seen. If not for the empress, the lovely green eyes and black hair of Arch Counsellor Alula Sol might have reached the top of the empire.
"Is that so? Then what of my daughter, Ar Celina? Have you discovered where she keeps running off to?"
"My Empress, the princess seems to have been visiting an abandoned realm; from the reports of Knight Spica, she met someone who could help the princess break her curse. Thus, since then, they meet regularly, and that is the end of the report."
"Oh?" Melania sat back on her throne. "An abandoned realm, you say? Please elaborate."
Alula nodded in agreement as she gathered her thoughts and explained, "Yes, Milady. It's a land left by the gods devoid of life, a place with no memory or knowledge. The cursed valley."
"The cursed valley..." Melania repeated with a soft, delicate sigh.
"Do you have the reports on this?" Melania asked.
Alula nodded as she raised her hand, and a scroll appeared as it floated towards Melania.
"Hmmm? The divine knights smote a dragon that kidnapped the princess, and the pair vanished. Explain this matter, ALULA!" Melania said with a stern face.
"My Empress, my apologies. Apparently, the knights found the runaway princess in a conflict with Knight Spica's brother when a strange man intervened and transformed into a dragon. The divine knights cast their magic to save her, but it suddenly vanished into a black portal."
"That is strange. Why would the dragon return her, let the princess return unharmed? There is more to this matter; what are you not telling me? Alula Sol!"
'I didn't wish for my beloved Empress to worry about her children fighting.'
"Ahem, my empress, please calm. Forgive me. I did not wish to cause your heart pain. The eldest son, Al Menitos, had the divine knights hunt down Ar Celina because she is the favourite of the great elder and feared his succession to the throne."
Ar Melina's lips tightened, her hands grasping the throne so tight they became white. While she didn't speak, the surrounding aura grew darker.
"The dragon that protected Celina, did she survive, and what colour were his scales?" Melania asked.
"Red and black, your majesty," Alula replied.
"That's strange, and strange it is that an extinct red or black dragon would be so near Ar'Soleil and the white forest."
Melania pondered as she rested her hand under her chin.
"If he could escape divine judgment, then I do not want him killed. I will have you capture the man and bring him before me," she said as she turned to Alula.
"Bring him alive and unharmed—he not only saved my lovely Celina but helped heal her curse, as you say? I do not wish to speak of fate because of my sister's tragic life. However, this feels connected somehow."
"I will relay your orders, Empress," Alula replied, and a small smile spread across her face.
"Very well. Return and tell the maidens to prepare my daughter, Celina, and send her to me. I must learn more about this dragon. Exclude Knight Spica!"
"Yes, Milady, your wish is my command!"
"Remember, unharmed, I will not have that man judged when he saved my daughter." Melania smiled gently as the air seemed to bloom with vibrant flowers.
The sudden light revealed an image. Ar Soleil's emblem was a gigantic world tree with a red and black dragon flying around it.
Underneath the name of the glorious empire.
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Meanwhile, to the far east of the Yurias continent in the Eastern Empire, a frustrated emperor sits on his throne with dozens of silent eunuchs.
Many greying roots feathered his black hair, revealing a once handsome face that now displayed signs of age and fatigue. His son's constantly disappearing stress caused unwanted stress.
"Tell me, Xu Ming. Where is my son? Where is Shang Luo?" The emperor asked, turning his head towards a eunuch named Xu Ming.
The fat eunuch bowed as he kneeled and cupped his fists, and his head lowered in submission.
"Emperor Shang! It has been two weeks since Shang Luo disappeared on a tour of the empire. No one can find him and..."
"Silence!" Emperor Shang roared as his tone of voice trembled with anger.
He knew his son likely found another woman he wanted to toy with, or the idea of making Silvara into the empire's next conquest entered his mind.
Either way, it was an unwise decision.
"Bring me news of my son. I grow tired of hearing the same thing each day."
"Understood!" Xu Ming responded. "However, what shall I do about Silvara?"
"What do you mean, Xu Ming?"
"Their messenger sends claims our empire sent troops to attack Lyndwrym and are claiming damages..." Xu Ming began explaining as Emperor Shang slammed his hand on his throne.
"I have had enough! That bitch dares claim such a lie. If they had a problem, the queen herself can come and prostrate before me! Kill them and mail the head back to these arrogant fools! They dare call their little kingdom a divine kingdom. What a joke." Emperor Shang laughed as a wicked grin spread across his face.
Xu Ming stayed silent as he nodded and bowed once more. "I shall relay your orders."
"Xu Ming, I know you are trying to gain more power, so I shall make this deal with you." Emperor Shang laughed, and the room felt like it was shaking from his voice. "If you can find my son and somehow conquer a small kingdom, I will reward you greatly."
"Do this, and I shall elevate you to a royal chancellor of the imperial court."
Xu Ming contemplated on the matter. If he could get rid of Queen Silvara, perhaps he could restore his body, to become a real man.
'Or I can just let the boy die,' He thought as he smiled.
"Your words, I cannot express my gratitude. Your humble servant, Xu Ming, accepts the task," He responded as he cupped his hands.
"Hmph, now leave my sight, all of you!" Emperor Shang commanded as all the eunuchs knelt and walked backwards before standing up and leaving.
The emperor seemed to become a simple old man the moment he became alone. "Shang Luo, where are you, my beloved son? You are all I have left."
From the moment Silvara regained control of the south and began their march against Romantica.
The entire world set in motion their plans and desires.
However, even the Queen of Silvara made her move. She sent many letters to all nobles, merchants, and warriors of high standing confirming the princess's and her partner's marriage date.
Inviting them to join the ceremony and to accept their future king.
The letter also mentioned that on the same day, the Earl of Fenix would change hands and would transfer to Asura Fenix, the princess's future husband.
And so, the grand plans of all continued to proceed.
Nearly four months have passed since Asura returned to this timeline, and right now, he has experienced the most dangerous moment of his life so far. Inside the shared tent with all his future wives and beloved women, a pile of opened letters lay on a table in front of him while they tied him to a chair and glared at him.
"Asura!" Lorem spoke with a deep tone while her foot stepped between his legs, almost touching his crotch. "Why does it only state you are marrying Vela?"
"Because I promised the queen otherwise, I wouldn't be here right now."
Asura didn't shy away or act embarrassed; these were the women he loved. If he couldn't be honest with them, he wasn't a man!
"Is that true? You agreed to marry all of us; that wasn't a lie, yes?"I swear, I will marry all of you."The next moment, as if they planned it just to hear those words. The ropes vanished, clearly a product of Lucia's Shadow magic, while the women's gazes all became extremely soft and filled with delight.