Chapter 197: An Honest Promise and Hopeful Request
Chapter 197: An Honest Promise and Hopeful Request
Asura felt that although it might seem rushed. He believed letting Verana leave alone might lead to a catastrophe.
In this changed timeline, his past knowledge began losing value. Asura couldn't afford to let the people he cared about fight battles in places he could never reach in time should something happen.
'Well, at least she seems happy.' He thought, watching the warm smile on Verana's lips as she walked with a slight skip in her step.
The pair walked along the busy capital streets, many people rushing with worried faces.
It seemed everyone knew about the coming battles and war. Asura watched the various stores, some with bright faces like the blacksmith and armourer, but the jewellery shop where he bought the rings and other gifts for the girls looked forlorn.
Asura felt uncomfortable with the situation he couldn't foresee.
"Are you alright, Husband?"
Verana seemed to like that title while swinging around on his arm before hugging his side. He could feel she understood him on a level deeper than others might.
"I worry about the future."
Asura tried to keep his face calm, yet Verana smiled knowingly. She leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.
"I am sure everything will be fine. If something goes wrong, I will help you fix it."
"That's my line."
Verana laughed sweetly in response. She occasionally whispered loving things in his ears, holding his hand tight or pointing to random cute animals running along the walls as they walked.
Finally, they arrived at the high-class area and reached the mansion beside the castle.
"Are you going to tell the other girls about us?" Verana asked quietly, her fingertips stroking Asura's palm while waiting for his response.
He didn't know how to answer.
'I plan to do the same for those who will leave tomorrow... Verana will get angry for sure.'
Asura turned to face her with a strange expression, his eyes a little dishonest, and his lips trembled. He didn't want to disappoint her, but this situation paralysed him with a fear that something might go wrong.
"It's okay. I know you will probably do the same for the others, right? That's just like you... silly man."
Her soft fingertips wrapped around his cheeks, stopping him from entering the mansion and knocking her ruby eyes shimmering in the streetlights.
Asura could see her affection and feelings, watching him with a wide smile before she dragged him into her chest, gripping him with a slight frown.
"I was the first you asked, right?"
He thought as a small giggle broke the silence. Asura gently caressed Verana's hair, his lips lifting as she sighed warmly, enjoying herself while leaning into his touch. "Of course I did... You were about to leave, and I was in a rush."
It seemed his words hit the right spot as the slightly despondent feelings she showed vanished, and her lips curled into a brighter smile while she narrowed her eyes in delight.
"Why is my husband so cute and thoughtful?" she muttered, not expecting an answer. Flicking his forehead with a single finger, she said, "Go inside and make your announcement. The others are waiting for you..."
"What about you?" Asura asked, confused by her sudden change of tone. He released Verana's hand to watch her stand in place, her eyes staring blankly up at him.
"I already got everything I wanted from you... At least for now, so go to those girls. I am sure they are waiting."
The next moment, her figure vanished in the darkness before lunging into her window on the second floor—she wouldn't get angry at his actions, which took a heavy weight off Asura's shoulders.
'Will Mu Xue, Xavida and Lucia be as understanding?'
Asura pushed open the door to find the maids were absent after receiving no greeting. He could hear a lot of commotion on the second floor, though.
"I need this and this... but my bag is so small!" Xavida said with a soft voice before another voice seemed to scold her.
"Why do you need so many snacks and clothes? You are going to battle, not a fashion show; just put several combat uniforms in your item ring!"
Vela's maid seemed to help Xavida pack her things, while Asura could hear Mu Xue speaking with Verana's maid, discussing what would be best to bring in case of emergencies.
"If we suffer a major loss and lack of food or water, wouldn't this filter be vital to Darling's survival!?" Mu Xue said with a more forceful voice than he usually heard.
Her recent changes were emboldening her confidence.
"Lady Xue, I believe that in times of danger, with your prowess, couldn't you easily hunt and kill to prepare meals and water?"
Asura slowly entered the main room, noticing one of Lucia's clones drinking whiskey.
Beside her, the same case that each student would take with them, likely prepared while Asura left to meet Verana.
The next moment her true body split from Asura, her changes from the past even more visible...
Dark hair, with a silky gloss that bewitched his gaze, then her eyes, which people might find eerie. However, Asura believed them to be beautiful. They were pure black, like the void, with small silver dots that glistened like the stars.
"Asura, I am going to change and prepare myself. Can I use your room?"
He gazed at her face, realising she was going with them tomorrow. Lucia would battle the enemy in her true body.
"Yeah... I will speak to you later. If you need anything, let me know."
She looked at Asura with an empty face.
Though he understood her intentions, something strange kept him from acting.
"You should wash up and relax in the bath for a few hours." Lucia's clone suddenly said, following her as she left.
'Bathing sounds good...' Asura thought as he heard Lucia and her clone head to his bedroom.
Asura followed her advice, but first, he would see Xavida and Mu Xue; he couldn't give to one what he owed the others.
Entering the second room on the floor, Asura found Xavida lying on the bed and snoring lightly as her bag filled with various snacks splattered across the floor. Vela's maid had long left the room, and she wrapped herself in several outfits, like a makeshift quilt, which caused him to chuckle.
"Xavi... are you awake? I saw you moving."
Asura didn't approach the bed. Instead, he stood beside the door and called out softly. He didn't see her move, but suddenly, her lovely eyes opened and peered at him while her lips pressed together, forming a pout.
"Don't wake me up. I am sleeping," she replied stubbornly before covering her head with a bundle of clothes, hiding her body as she lay on the bed.
"I only wanted to speak to my cute wife..."
Her head popped from the bundle like a turtle peeking through a shell. Asura could see her cheeks bulging and her stupid grin revealing her cute little fangs.
"What do you want to speak about?" she said, crawling on all fours before jumping onto his chest from the bed, wrapping around him like an octopus, smothering him with her soft body.
"Xavi... You are smelly and sweaty. Stop hugging me until you wash yourself.!"
He didn't mean his words and gently stroked her head while holding her body in one arm. It seemed her weight increased slightly since she matured fully, and her legs became longer and more sexy.
Xavida suddenly pecked him on the chin and stuck out her tongue. "I can hug my husband whenever I want. Now you have to carry me to the bath..."
Asura smiled, used to her strange behaviour. "Well, I was going to bathe anyway, so let's go."
"Victory~ hehe."
However, before he turned to enter her private bathroom, he walked towards her large black dressing table with various items, both snacks and makeup, over the surface before pushing her buttocks onto the edge while looking into her eyes.
"One thing first, okay?"
Xavida crossed her arms, wondering what he planned to say and if it would be interesting. She kicked her legs, watching him. Her curiosity seemed to affect him as his eyes peered into hers, his smile widening.
Then, when he took out the same document he gave Verana, the dragon's tail tapped the desk with a rhythmic beat. Her cheeks flushed while waiting for him to say what she had already guessed.
"You knew what this was, didn't you?" Asura asked. He held the marriage licence, feeling her tail extending and wrapping around his lower back. She smirked, playful as she waited patiently.
Xavida answered briefly, pulling him closer until their noses touched. Her eyes narrowed in delight. She laughed, her childish personality bursting forth as he flicked his forehead with her finger.
"Well, congratulations, hubby~ you gained such a cute wife, hehe."
"Thanks..." Asura smiled with relief before returning her a gentle peck on the cheek. "So, you aren't mad that I proposed this way?"
"You are worried about the battle, right?" Xavida asked in a soft tone that made his heart skip. "You feel like I might not come back alive, so you want me to know that I am yours... and give me more confidence to fight to return to you, no matter what. You are stupid sometimes, my idiot hubby."
The more mature wording and tone caught Asura off guard as she kissed him before he could complain or speak.
He didn't break her kiss, feeling the urgency and softness of her lips pressing against his own.
Asura could feel her current thoughts through the movement of her lips, the soft yet desperate movement to deepen their kiss. The overwhelming affection from the most lovable woman in the mansion caused Asura's heartbeat to zoom.
Before they knew it, their bodies became entangled atop the desk, their tongues intertwining in the air.
A sweet scent of strawberries and vanilla floated into the room from the pile of snacks Xavida had laid on moments before. The heat built between them before they released themselves from each other's lips, gasping for air.
"Asura, you're so forceful when you get horny..." Xavida complained before showing her neck with various bites; even her scales looked slightly bruised.
"You're the one that loves it..."
"Ehehe... you caught me red-handed."
Suddenly, Xavida bit her lip with a childish look, her tail snaking around his hips before dipping into his clothing. Her embarrassment showed when she did this, and she needed time to build courage. "Who did you ask first...?"
"Eh!? Not fair! I wanted to be first!"
She pouted again before patting his shoulder, complaining.
Xavida's jealousy seemed to stem from her love for him, and while he smiled with a warm heart, his lips pressed against her neck while hearing her whisper.
"But I know you worried about her since they didn't call her name... It probably meant she would be going elsewhere, right?"
"Mmm, that's why I asked her, then you."
"So... I was second?"
"Before Xue?"
Asura nodded before lifting her off the desk, and their clothes slipped off with each step.
They entered the bathroom together, Xavida's sly face filled with smiles as she used her tail to close and lock the door behind them.
"Hmmm... then you should scrub me good, and I'll forgive you."
"Yes, my princess."
"Hmph... Call me your queen!"