A random pokemon journey




I should clarify that while it wasn't unusual for champion level pokemon to get sent on journeys to reach higher powers this didn't mean that there was a bunch of high leveled trained pokemon running around. For the vast majority of "retired" champion level pokemon they ended up actually retiring and not going further than that in power. Some took roles suppressing the local populations of wild pokemon or even worked as breeders to enrich the future trainers pokemon selection. A good example of this was the pokemon that Oak himself occasionally hands out being either descendants of his own pokemon or even the most recent children of them.-

"That said a couple of my companions here simply don't have this option and will be with me for as long as possible. Hades and the not so little one here for example are not the sort of things you can allow into the wild, would upset the balance or just cause trouble." I said honestly. Byron nodded in agreement "The others can still fit into the natural order with some effort but Spiritomb are fiercely territorial and hostile while the Feebas is a manmade unnatural thing." he said with a sigh.-

"That reminds me for whatever reason but when I first got to Canalave I found a place in the channel that appears to be a home, any I idea what's the story on that?" I asked curiously. "Ah the old divers hut, I had always thought it a tall tale to be honest. See the way I understand it was that way back when Sinnoh was called Hisui and people were just settling the area that we now call Canalave the channel was dug for ships to come and go."-

"At the time the waters around us were rich in pearls and seafood and the shipping rate hadn't scared off most of that stuff. Some of the divers at the time spent nearly the whole day in the sea and dug out that place in the wall of the channel so they had a spot to rest without needing to leave the sea entirely. When the shipping picked up and scared off the wildlife near the city the place saw less and less use until it became a local story." he explained with a smile.

After that I balled my pokemon and said my farewell before heading back out of the city though this time permanently. I had no reason to stick around and it was in the middle of league season so Byron was busy with challenges. Taking up more of his time would be inconsiderate and only make his job that much harder. I released my pokemon once outside the city far enough and went to discuss where we were heading next. "Jubilife is the closest city to us but theres another two towns along this route and only one this way, thoughts?" I asked while showing me team the map on my Poketch.-

"En En Tei!" Vulcan barked pointing a large paw at the route with only one village on it. "You do realize that there won't be any wild pokemon on that route you can fight right?" I asked and Vulcan looked away clearly having failed to keep it's strength relative to the area we were in in mind. "Ty Ty Ran Ran tar?" Gaia rumbled out about if the wild pokemon could be fought by the not so little one. I wasted no time at all looking it up on the pokenet and found that indeed the pokemon on that route were right around the level they would need to be for my youngest to start training.-

"Looks like this you finally get to train after all." I said with a smile to the floating creature that did a happy loop in the air. We camped out for the night and when the sun rose the next morning we headed out along the route we chose. It was a north eastern direction till the village through a small stretch of beach an then back into a forest. About three hours into the trip the system gave me a notification that made me groan.-

[Quest conditions established!

Description: Word has reached the ears of Team Galactic of your arrival in Sinnoh and the team leader has decided to eliminate you before you can meddle in his plans! A large group of Galactic members have gathered on the route ahead to try and claim your life!

Objectives: Survive the ambush, Defeat and capture the ambushers(0/25)(Optional), Use at most three pokemon(Optional), Use only one pokemon(Optional)

Rewards: 2x item tickets, Reward dependent on amount complete(Optional), 5x Exp tickets, 2x ability tickets(Optional)]

While I wasn't too surprised that Cyrus would learn that I was in the region given how well connected he likely was I WAS surprised he'd do something as stupid as try and ambush me. Even in Hoenn when I and my team were weaker this tactic had never worked and if anything had gone horribly for the ones that tried it. Cyrus might have been delusional but I had a hard time accepting he was stupid enough to make the same mistakes of another. 'No he definitely has another angle he's playing here, but what?' I pondered with a frown.-

I was lacking a lot of context clues and the quests description made it seem deceptively simple when there was definitely more to this than that. One such clue that wasn't obvious was that Cyrus had figured out where I was going next from Canalave or at least had deduced the most likely route I'd take and been right. I knew for a fact that my travel habits could be considered chaotic at best and to actually figure out a pattern from that proved his intelligence. "Alright folks we've got some criminals up ahead who want my life and I got a quest to do something about it, here's the deal." I said before explaining the quests.-

Right off the rip my whole team agreed that that last optional objective was getting ignored as it was far too risky for too little payout, which I could agree with. That left us with choosing who would be part of the three participating in this matter. Obviously Hades was one since he was my final line of defense as he guarded me from attacks while riding around in my pocket. The last two though took some serious discussion and we excluded Gaia and the not so little one immediately due to collateral damage and weakness respectively.-

The not so little one was far too weak to even consider for this and Gaia's moves were likely to destroy the surroundings if she got involved. The sandstorm alone would likely strip a vast area of the trees and plants and that didn't even get started on the other moves she could use. Yani also dipped out as she had more or less chosen to retire as a battler and focus on being the medic for the team.

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