6 Times a Day

Chapter 1228: Chapter 1222 [3K Words]

Chapter 1228: Chapter 1222 [3K Words]

Chapter 1228: Chapter 1222 [3K Words]


6TAD Chapter 1222

Glory drove Alan to the beach. She told him they were going to a special beach and it would take a while to get there, so even though he'd taken a brief nap at Glory's house, he slept most of the way there. His energy problem was the same as ever, and he was extra tired lately from all the sexual activity.

But when they'd arrived he'd shaken off the grogginess and practically felt brand new. Glory drove them to the San Onofre State Park, and he woke up when they got to the gate where they had to pay a fee to enter.

Glory knew exactly where she was going. She parked her car at the top of a high cliff, which made it a long way down to the beach, but it was a pleasant walk. The weather was great, with very little wind for that time of year, and the view was fantastic.

Alan had never been there before, and asked, "What's so special about this beach that we had to come all the way here? You said that it was what, a half an hour drive? And then we have to drive through the park followed by all this walking."

Glory was carrying her surfboard (Alan had offered to carry it, but Glory wanted to hold "her baby") and it was a steep walk down, so she waited until they'd reached a flatter spot in the trail before replying, "Well, first of all, remember that I'm your teacher. I go to the out of the way beaches even without you just to avoid running into my students, but with you, I have to be even more careful than usual. That's one reason. But this is also one of the best surfing beaches on the entire West Coast. You know the song "Surfin' USA" by the Beach Boys?"

"Of course." She sang:

"San Onofre and Sunset Redondo Beach, L.A. All over La Jolla At Waiamea Bay

Everybody's gone surfin' Surfin' U.S.A."

Glory looked at him expectantly. "You see? We're in the song." Alan chuckled. "So it's really that good, eh?"

"Yep. When you see long, high cliffs like this, that almost always means good waves because there's usually a steep drop off to deep water. But that's not the only thing that makes beaches off high cliffs like this special..."

Alan waited for her to say more, especially since her voice rose in a way that sounded like her thought was incomplete, but she just kept walking down the trail. He didn't have much to say, especially since the trail was too steep to be conducive for lengthy conversations, so he just looked around as he walked down.

They were nearly to the bottom of the trail, which opened onto a dry riverbed cutting across the beach. "Hey!" he suddenly said out loud. He pointed to two men lying on the beach that he could see off in the distance. "Are my eyes deceiving me or do they have flesh colored bathing suits, or what?"

Glory laughed, her eyes were sparkling. "Or what. Like I was saying, the other thing that makes hard to reach beaches like this special is that that's where you'll find the nude beaches."

He'd paused in surprise, but he kept walking. "Whoa! Nude? You mean the whole beach?"

"Actually, no. As you can see, it's a very long beach, and most of it is a regular beach. It's only the little bit to the south of this gully in front of us that's the nude part. Do you remember a couple of weeks ago, you talked about seeing the 'Surfer Girl' surf nude? We made plans to spend all day at the beach sometime? Well, I've been looking forward to that and it's finally here, even if it's only a couple of hours."

"Oh yeah. Cool. You don't know how long I've wanted to see you surf, but to do it nude - wow!" She laughed happily. "Have you ever been to a nude beach before?"

"As a matter of fact I have. We went to Black's Beach over a month ago. That's the one time for me."


"Um, Amy, Suzanne, Susan, and me, to be honest. Katherine couldn't go for some reason. But one thing I remember from that was that there was this weird mix of nudists, mostly Europeans, gay men, and homophobic surfers. Is that how it is here?"

"Yes to the first two, but no to the latter. Since the vast majority of the long beach is not for nudists, the surfers don't need to come to the nude part. In fact, since it's Thanksgiving afternoon, most everyone will be off eating. I don't think we'll be seeing many people, surfers or not."

"But it's such a nice day," Alan pointed out.

"True, but see for yourself." They'd finally reached the bottom of the trail and Glory waved a hand in the air in the direction of the nude section. Sure enough, the beach was nearly empty. The two men he'd seen from higher up were the closest, but besides them Alan could only see a handful of people. And a couple of them appeared to be packing up their things to go.

"That's IT?"

"Well, as we walk you'll see some more back by the foot of the cliff. Nudists like their privacy. I was thinking we could find a secluded spot like that for ourselves. There are some nooks in the cliff wall that hide you from everyone except people walking right in front of you. And everyone walks on the water's edge, so they're like two hundred feet away at the closest." She smirked, but in a friendly way. "After all, I'm here with the notorious Alan Plummer. There's no telling when a sexual emergency might 'pop up,' so to speak."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm totally sated from before." He left that comment deliberately vague, as he wasn't about to tell her about his encounters with Xania and then Heather earlier in the day.

"We'll see." But her look said, "Ha, fat chance of that!"

"No it's true. You really put me through the wringer."

"I put YOU through the wringer? HA! Look at me, young man, I'm not walking down the beach, I'm staggering." She started awkwardly shuffling along bowlegged for a few paces, until she heard Alan's guffaw of laughter.

They walked on through the nude part of the beach, but Glory explained that it was okay to wait until they'd picked a spot and put down all their stuff before undressing.

The spot they found was near the end of the beach, just before a fence bounding a military base. Few people would walk that far, and she picked a nook by the cliff wall that gave the privacy she'd described. She wanted to be ready for any sexual situation that might come up without having to worry too much about getting arrested.

"This is weird," Alan said as he pulled his shorts off. He really was worn out from before, and for once, he didn't have a hard-on.

But Glory looked at him as she undressed and said, "You know what I'll bet is weird for you? Having your shorts ON."

Alan grinned sheepishly, even as he felt his face growing warm. "I guess there's some truth in that."

"And you can't tell me that you're a stranger to being nude in public either. I've heard some strange rumors at school lately. Like, there was a rumor a few weeks back of a couple having sex buck naked in the upper parking lot. The more I think about it and learn about you, the

more I suspect that it was you."

Alan blushed slightly. "No comment."

"HA! I knew it! You're incorrigible, young man, completely incorrigible. But if you'll excuse me, I have some surfing to do." To Alan's disappointment, she'd taken all her clothes off but then put a thick black wetsuit on. "You care to join me in the water?"

"Um, sure. But I was kind of hoping to see you surf naked."

"Sure, if you want to pay for the hypothermia medical bills. Don't be deceived by the sunny weather - the water's butt cold. The current comes down off the Bering Strait up by Alaska,

you know, and it's a wee bit nippy up there."


Glory looked around conspiratorially. "Truth is, I've always wanted to surf naked, too. I'll make you a deal. If you wade out with me, maybe I'll hand you my wetsuit before I'm done."

"Sweet! Deal!"

Glory briefly explained a few things for Alan to watch for when she mounted and rode the waves, such as how cleanly she stood up on the board, the depth of her crouch and sway of her arms as she balanced, and so on. Then she went off to surf while Alan stood watching waist-deep in the water. Glory was right about the water being "butt cold," so Alan had to keep moving about to stay warm. One thing he'd never done before was swim in the ocean while naked, but he grew accustomed to it surprisingly quickly, although his teeth chattered a bit. He noticed Glory did a lot of paddling on her board instead of passively waiting for the waves to come, no doubt to help stay warm as well.

Glory gave the surfing her all to impress her lover, catching wave after wave.

The waves were about six to eight feet measured from the front, which looked impossibly huge from up close. It seemed to Alan like she was catching mini-tsunamis.

As he watched, he thought back to the two years he'd secretly lusted after Glory, and the many times he'd dreamt of being at the beach with her. So far, thumbs up on the reality meeting the high expectations. This is just like I dreamed it. In fact, the beach, the waves, the surfboard - it's like they were all taken straight out of my dreams. But what's totally amazing is that Glory really is "my girl" now. MY "Surfer Girl." She even dropped her boyfriend for me. Man, if any of my classmates could

see us now...

Glory didn't stay out in the waves long - less than twenty minutes. She wanted to spend her time with Alan and surfing was a solitary sport. But she did keep her promise and shucked off her wetsuit while out in the ocean, then paddled to Alan and handed it to him.

As soon as she turned and paddled back towards the waves, Alan turned and sprinted back to

the beach. He'd brought a camera and wanted some pictures of Glory surfing naked. So he hurried back to the shore line, snapped his pictures, and rushed off to put the camera away again. He also put her wetsuit away.

Glory didn't surf naked for long, really only a few minutes, catching just a few waves before she started shivering too hard. By the time Alan started wading back in the water, she was

already coming out.

They were both all smiles as she waded close to him with her surfboard under her arm. "You bastard!" She shook her fist, but in a playful manner. "I'm gonna get you for that." "You've got to catch me first!" Alan pretended to be afraid and got out of the water, then

started running from her. But he made sure to run slowly and in circles so she could catch up. Once Glory was back on dry land, she put her surfboard down on the sand high enough on the beach to prevent it from being washed away, and then ran after him.

"Young man, come here and take your punishment!"

"Fat chance!" Alan found it incredibly liberating to be running around in the nude. He didn't

see anyone nearby, but he didn't really care if they were being watched or not. As far as he was concerned, the only two people in the world at that moment were him and Glory.

He let her catch him, or perhaps it was the other way around. Either way, they soon found themselves Frenching and rolling around in the shallow water. The water lapped against them and every now and then a bigger wave would come and wash over most of their bodies. But Glory was shivering a bit and when the kiss broke she said, "Mmm, good, but cold. I'm so


Alan had been underneath but he rolled on top. "Then we should stay warm with our body heat." His dick was reviving and it pressed warmly against Glory's lower abdomen. Glory laughed. "You truly are incorrigible, young man. But not here. This place looks

deserted, true, but they do send police around here from time to time to check on lewd behavior. Just imagine the scandal if you and I got caught! Not to mention, this water is

freezing me half to death." Just then another larger wave came by, nearly drenching Glory since she was underneath, accenting her point.

She said, "Okay, that's enough of that. Let's go back to our towels. My nipples are so hard they


"I can see that. I'll be right there; you go on ahead."

"Where are you going?" "Nowhere special. You'll see."

"All right. I like mysteries. I'll see you back there. But don't get TOO excited. I meant what I

said earlier about my pussy being sore. And there are public indecency laws, you know. A little fooling around is okay, but sex on the beach..."

"...has to remain just an alcoholic drink," Alan quipped.

Glory groaned melodramatically, then picked up her surfboard and headed back to their spot. Alan wanted to go back there too and towel off, but he wanted to find some props first. Some

of Glory's comments had given him an idea for a role-play and he dearly missed his role- playing with her. Unfortunately, he had next to nothing to work with. But there was a lot of driftwood on the shore and after a couple of minutes wandering up and down the beach, he found a couple of pieces that were close enough for his needs.

self off, and was busy

When he got back to their nook, Glory was just finishing drying drying and combing her hair. Alan was disappointed to see her putting her hair back up since he liked how it hung down while she was in the water, but he didn't say anything about it.

He was surprised to find that he was already getting dry from the wind and the sun, so he

launched straight into his routine. As he got close to her, he said in his normal voice, "Glory,

can you toss me my sunglasses?"


He caught her toss and put them on. Then he said in a completely different and dispassionate

tone, "'Scuse me, ma'am. I'm afraid you've broken the law." He tried to put a bit of Southern

twang into his voice in an attempt to portray a police officer in a small Southern town. Glory immediately caught on. "Have I? Oh dear. What's the charge, officer?" "Well let's see here." He brought out the big piece of bark he'd found, held it in front of him,

and then brought a stick in his other hand up to it, making it look like he was writing up a ticket. "First of all, disturbing the peace."

"Disturbing the peace? How? I'm just sitting here minding my own business."

"That may be true, ma'am, but you're disturbing the peace... with your raving beauty." She laughed, pleased at the compliment. "I'm sorry, officer. Is that all?"

"No, 'fraid not. You're also guilty of assaulting an officer... with your sexy ways."

She laughed harder, then went back into her role of pretend worry. "Oh goodness! That

sounds serious. But may I ask - if you're a cop, why are you naked?"

"I'm an undercover cop, ma'am."

"You don't look very undercover to me. In fact, I don't see any cover at all. How do I know

you're not just some naked pervert holding a stick and some bark?"

Glory was sitting down by now and Alan was standing. He stepped forward until his erection

was practically in her face. "For your information, this is extremely expensive camouflaged police equipment. And do I have to show you my badge?"

She looked at his dick which was nearly hitting her in the nose. "No, I can see your credentials

are most impressive. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a citizen's arrest."

"Why's that, ma'am?"

"Assault with a deadly weapon." She grasped his stiffness and started stroking it.

"Now, hold your horses, ma'am. I'm the one making charges around here." Using a catchphrase from the South Park TV show, he said with a grin, "Respect my authoritaaaaiigh." She knew the line and laughed again. She was on an emotional high - just the fact that she was

taking part in another role-play with Alan gave her a warm and happy feeling.

"Now, lady, either I can take you down to the jailhouse or you can pay for your crimes right




Please Check out my new Fanfic "One Piece: Conquest of Love and Power" Its a translation, but build

from the ground up and added 18+ Smut scenes.

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