Chapter 1224: Chapter 1218
Chapter 1224: Chapter 1218
Chapter 1224: Chapter 1218
Alan was out of it for some long moments. When he came to, he realized that the elevator doors were closed and they still weren't going up or down. Good! That's one less thing to worry about. For now.
He pulled up his pants. Then he looked down at Glory, who was looking up at him with a face that was halfway between triumphant and dreamy. She looked so cute he wanted to hug her, but with her tanned tits completely exposed, he wanted to fuck her too.
He said, "Have you seen my kidneys?"
"Your kidneys? Whatever do you mean, young man?"
"I mean I think you sucked them clear out of me, along with most of the rest of my vital organs!" He pulled up his jacket, which had somehow slid down his shoulders in all the excitement.
She started slinking her way up his body, smiling all the way. "Uh-oh. That sounds serious. We should take you to bed so you can recover."
"Um, from the look in your eye, I don't think there's gonna be a lot of recovering in that bed."
She rose higher until her face reached his. All of a sudden, they were mouth to mouth. "Nope. Probably not."
They kissed, and somehow it seemed that their big smiles continued despite all the frantic tongue action.
But then the elevator lurched and then started to move.
He broke the kiss to cry out, "We're going down!"
She seemed unperturbed and joked, "Mmmm. Going down? Again, already? What a great idea! God, you're insatiable!" She leaned in to kiss him again.
However, he realized that her dress was still down around her waist, and while his pants were pulled back up, his fly was unzipped and his cock and balls were hanging out. They were not exactly ready to greet strangers. He yelled, "The emergency stop! Stop this thing!"
But there weren't that many floors to go and there were too many buttons to choose from, especially considering that he was almost too flustered and sexually out of it to be able to read at all.
She seemed far less bothered about getting caught than he was. In fact, she was so horny that she was almost looking forward to it. Even as the elevator started to slow, she said, "Kiss me! That way, we'll hide our faces!"
So he kissed her. One careful thing she did at least was she shifted her feet some so her back was to the elevator door. This meant that his face was to the door, but in the middle of their lip-lock all of her hair completely covered his face.
The door opened and the sounds of steps were heard, though Alan couldn't tell if it was someone coming closer into the elevator or walking away in disgust. His heart pounding wildly, he decided there was nothing to do except keep kissing until hopefully the other person or people found their floor and left.
As the doors closed again, Alan heard someone clear their throat. It was obviously done on purpose and had a note of disapproval in it. Oh shit! We're not alone! I hope it's not someone Glory knows; she could be in deep trouble!
With the doors closed, the elevator started moving again.
Alan and Glory continued to kiss, but Alan's heart wasn't in it this time. He was too busy worrying about the person who had cleared their throat. His mind was filled with mental images of imagined faces, from grinning lecherous old men to appalled frumpy blue haired ladies. He guessed the person wasn't a child from the tone of the noise, but beyond that he wasn't even sure of the gender.
Glory though, was spurred to even greater heights of passion. She not only kissed him, her hands wandered all over. She even wrapped one of her legs around the back of his legs as she put everything she had into the kiss.
He was still flaccid, but he wasn't liable to remain that way for long given the way one of her hands was wandering all over his exposed balls and dick.
He was certain that whoever was in the elevator and wherever they might be standing in the confined space, there was no way for them to avoid missing her hand being right over his crotch. He didn't help matters by bunching up her gown until he could grasp the firm flesh of her ass cheeks. In so doing, he exposed those cheeks to whomever else was there.
She found herself thinking, Gaawwwd, I feel so naughty! I don't know what it is about him, but my adorable young man makes me go completely wild! I'm effectively naked, and with my hand sliding up and down his slippery cock no less, and I don't care who sees!
The elevator came to a halt, and soon there was a sound of someone walking away.
He listened closely and discerned it was made by just a single person. With great trepidation, he peered around the sides of her hair and confirmed that they were now alone. The hallway that stretched out in front of them was empty. He whispered to her, "The coast is clear."
"Good! Let's do it right here, young man! Fuck me, lover!"
His dick betrayed him, continuing to rise despite his desire to get away from this dangerous situation and not encourage her any further. He complained, "You sound just like Heather."
His heart stopped momentarily after he said that as he realized what a colossally stupid thing that was to say. It was like being in a crowded bar and saying something that causes a total hush to come over the place and even the music to scratch to a halt. He looked at Glory, fearing the worst.
A hateful look came into her eyes, but it quickly passed. She said, "I'm in such a good mood that I'm going to let that slide. But I don't want to do anything to remind you of the über- bitch. You've got me so hot that I'd almost prefer to do it here, but I suppose it's better for us to go back to my place, since this is my floor."
The doors were closing, but he stepped forward and stuck a foot out just in time.
As the doors opened again, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the elevator and into the hallway. His penis and balls were still hanging out of the fly of his pants and her dress was only covering her nipples because she was holding the front of it up with her other hand. Before leaving the elevator, she picked up her flowers, overcoat, and purse.
As he shuffled along with both hands over his crotch (he didn't want any painful zipper incidents trying to zip up while on the move the painful zipper scene from "There's Something About Mary" came to mind), he said, "If this is your floor, then that other person must be around here somewhere!"
Without looking back at him, she responded, "Oh, her? Don't you start thinking about her right now, young man. You need to take care of me first!"
He continued shuffling along, more puzzled than ever. "Her?" Does Glory have eyes in the back of her head or something?! And what the hell does she mean by "First"?
But the next thing he knew, Glory held the key from her purse and they were at the front of her apartment. She playfully grabbed him by his tie and again yanked him with it until they were
both inside.